Aaron Clarey Quotes Page 2


Best 42 Quotes by Aaron Clarey – Page 2 of 2

The Book of Numbers Quotes

“Sex (or more Darwinistically speaking, progeny) is what gets men out of bed in the morning, off to school, into rush hour, off to the office, off to the factory, off to night school, off to war, or off to the lab to make money so that they might someday attract girls.

If there was no sex, if there were no women, if there was no female youth and beauty, men would still be living in caves, only mustering their resources to perhaps create beer and poker to bide the time.”

The Book of Numbers

“This massive, nearly incomprehensible economic miracle you are witnessing outside your window is due to one group of people and one group of people only – men.

And it was a transaction (the most important and original economic transaction) that incentivized men to make and build nearly everything on the planet – sex for resources.

Men build things, women give them sex. Men produce things, women give them children. Men accrue wealth and resources, women continue their genetic line.”

The Book of Numbers

“Without that powerful sex drive and the commensurate work ethic that comes with it, absolutely nothing you see today would exist.”

The Book of Numbers

“You will get more girls going to the gym than going to college.”

The Book of Numbers

Twitter post Quotes

“I love it when 'conservative, traditional value fathers' let their daughters major in the world's dumbest sh*t.

And then I'm the bad guy when I tell them to major in STEM.”

Twitter post

“They now have payment plans for Air Jordans. Total payments = $1,000.

You're all f*cking moronic trash.”

Twitter post

Worthless Quotes

“Despite all this you should try to get one internship under your belt. But do so according to the following rules:

- The nanosecond you realize the majority of your work is merely to do filing, faxing, scanning, etc., leave. Don’t tell them, don’t inform them. Leave. Also, file a complaint with that company’s HR department and inform the career services center of your college about the false advertising of that firm.

- Keep trying to find an internship that does give you experience. This may take three or four tries, but inevitably you will find one that is worthwhile.

- Do not spend more than six months at an internship. Get it on your resume, establish a good rapport with your boss, but then cite college as your primary responsibility. Only if they offer you full-time employment after graduation should you stick around.

- Only get one internship. Additional internships add nothing to your marketability. Spend your time instead drinking, chasing girls/boys and playing volleyball.”


“The larger point is whatever worthless degree somebody inevitably chooses, ultimately it is nothing more than an admission of laziness. Declaring a worthless major is simply shouting out to the world:

I’m a parasite and have no intentions of working for a living. I want to do what I want to do and I want the rest of you to pay for it. I ultimately want to produce nothing society wants, but in return I demand other people slave away to make me MP3 players, computers, video games, as well as engineer hybrid cars and whatever else I want.

I also want society to create some make-work job for me so my ego isn’t bruised and I can make-believe I’m a real-word-live adult too.

And if you dare point out what I'm doing in the real world is nothing more than parasiting off of others, I'll cowardly hide myself behind some altruistic crusade and accuse you of being a racist, a misogynist, or a hater of children.”


“The truth is the MBA is simply an overpriced, over-hyped degree. As time goes on and the market is flooded with more of them, they will become less unique and therefore less valuable.

Furthermore, as you’ll find out when you get older, unless you have connections or your last name is Rockefeller, chances are you’ll just be indebting yourself to a crippling level.

Instead, I highly recommend getting an undergrad in Accounting and then pursuing your CPA. Not only is a CPA much cheaper ($3,000 for all the exam and fees), you’ll have even better earnings potential than the average MBA.”


“This necessitated each village be self-supporting and self-sustaining. And, if you looked at 1100’s Europe, you would see that the types of jobs and professions the villagers took on reflected this fact.

You had the butcher, the farmer, the blacksmith, the clothier, the knight, the baker, the goldsmith and of course the all-important grog maker. Everybody had a job or a task that carried their weight in the village.

What you did not have was the professional activist, the social worker, the starving artist, the trophy wife, the socialite or the village welfare bum. Everybody had a job and everybody’s job provided vital and required services and products to the village.

Now, the reason we understand this is because a village is a small enough entity for us to wrap our brains around. We see the little village with the little cows and the village people walking in the muddy streets.

But ask yourself this question: How is a country any different than a village?”


“Unlike in years past, a degree in Education today is effectively a degree in 'Baby Sitting'. It is the degree selfish, lazy people major in because they know you get three months a year off for vacation and they think being a teacher is an easy job.

They are arguably even more arrogant than Political Science majors because they are choosing the degree not for the kids they intend to educate, but first and foremost for themselves. They are simply using the kids.

This is not to say all teachers majored in education for themselves and didn't put the kids first. This is to say the majority of them did.”


“What’s worse for you young people is that the unemployment rate isn’t even what you should really be worried about. What you should really be concerned about is the underemployment rate as it speaks to precisely why you went to college.

The underemployment rate is the percent of people who are not working at their full potential. So, if you went to college for accounting, but end up working as a bartender you are considered 'underemployed'.

The statistics vary, but the best official estimate (called U6) shows an underemployment rate considerably higher than the simple unemployment rate.

Even worse than that, underemployment is typically higher in the 19-29 year old range, which means it’s even more likely you will not realize the full benefit of your degree.”


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