Adam Weishaupt Quotes Page 2


Best 67 Quotes by Adam Weishaupt – Page 2 of 3

Evangelical Protestants Quotes

“The Lutheran formula for a good life: commit as many as sins as possible then absolve yourself of all accountability by saying, 'But I believe!'

No wonder Lutheranism became so popular.”

Evangelical Protestants

“The only acceptable religious message is the one that teaches the good news – the true gospel – that we can all become God. If we are all on the evolutionary path to divinity, if our “salvation” lies in our own hands alone, then we have no need at all for Messiahs, monarchs, the super rich or celebrities.”

Evangelical Protestants

High Priests of Hell Quotes

“Ancient Gnostic sects held that the god of the Old Testament was the Devil, and the Bible his evil message to corrupt humanity.

Can anyone doubt that they were right? Read the Bible for yourself. Learn the horrific truth. The Abrahamic faiths are Satanic.”

High Priests of Hell

“God’s truth is not in a 'holy' book, is not delivered by prophets, has no connection with churches, synagogues and mosques, with commandments and religious prohibitions, with customs, rules, regulations, restrictions on diet and clothing etc.

God’s truth is within us and our task is to find the key that unlocks the direct knowledge of God. Everyone has the key, but many will never use it.”

High Priests of Hell

“Nothing will ever be more remarkable than that Satan has caused billions of human beings to worship him as God.”

High Priests of Hell

Jehovah Quotes

“What has been the greatest obstacle to human progress? – Abrahamism. How can humanity ascend to the heavens? – by bringing the reign of terror of the God of Abraham to an end. The Terror God has had his day. It’s time for humanity to move on.”


Jesus, Prince of Hell Quotes

“Humanity can save itself. It needs no Messiahs.”

Jesus, Prince of Hell

“It’s not enough to read, to listen, to be passive. One must act.”

Jesus, Prince of Hell

“The world is wicked because its creator is wicked. Simple. Read the Old Testament tales of the Creator (Yahweh).

Is that not a tale of absolute wickedness, mostly on the part of the Creator himself?”

Jesus, Prince of Hell

Resurrection Quotes

“Social networking is the most brilliant manifestation yet of the elite’s bread and circuses paradigm. Whereas Caesar had to spend a fortune putting on shows for the plebs, the modern Caesar get the plebs to entertain themselves on Facebook, and it doesn’t cost him a cent. In fact, he can become a multi-billionaire out of it. What a result! The elite must always ensure that the masses are too preoccupied to ever think about the appalling world they live in; to confront the realisation that they are degraded second-class citizens in a two-tier society.”


Sex for Salvation Quotes

“One of the greatest tragedies of the world is the way it has wasted so much female potential. Half the world has been sold the idea that they should sit in the corner playing with dolls and staring in a mirror. It’s time for women to regain the status they had in pagan cultures based on the worship of the Goddess. Women are half of the equation for creating a new humanity. This time we need to get the right answer. Men and women are different. That’s not a problem: it powers the dialectic that drives us forward. The aim is to get the best of both worlds and achieve higher and higher syntheses. It’s outrageous that women have been forced to live in a male-dominated culture. In the future, it needs to be an equal partnership. Not a partnership that mindlessly treats women and men as equals when there are plainly radical differences between the two, but which assigns equal significance to their respective strengths. Yin and yang are eternal partners, not eternal enemies. Neither is more important than the other. Neither can function without the other. The dialectic needs both working at full power.”

Sex for Salvation

“Sex is so profound that it underpins politics, economics and psychological well-being. Sex belongs to the dimension of revolution. Any new society must have a revolutionary approach to sex. Sexual liberation is toxic to authoritarian systems. It is no accident that all dictatorships are sexually repressive. It is no accident that the authoritarian, patriarchal Abrahamic religions despise and fear sex. The elite control the sexual space and through that they control you. A free society is sexually free – not just in name but in deed. One of the primary aims of any healthy society should be to promote the highest quality sex, and to remove all of the restrictions and taboos that are imposed on it.”

Sex for Salvation

Sin for Salvation Quotes

“Sin for Salvation applies to everything. It’s a mindset. It’s about not buying into the laws and attitudes of those who would control you. It’s about having an open mind about what “sin” actually is. It’s about not automatically subscribing to someone else’s conception of sin. There are many sins in this world – such as the infinite greed of Wall Street bankers and their ilk – that are held up as virtues and qualities to be emulated. Always be on the lookout for sins that masquerade as the good. Always be on the lookout for healthy activities (like joyous sex outside the institution of marriage) that are condemned as sinful.”

Sin for Salvation

“The Gnostic message is about waking people up and making them see the truth of this world. Sin for Salvation, where a person consciously and deliberately flouts the conventions and rules of this godforsaken earth, is a primary means of liberation, of experiencing a visceral release from the controllers of this false world, this Devilish matrix of perdition. The controllers define “sin”, not God. Never believe their definitions. They are designed for their benefit, not yours.”

Sin for Salvation

“The greatest love, such as the troubadours proclaimed, also requires supremely challenging obstacles. It is by overcoming obstacles that we transform ourselves into higher beings, that we find the deepest love and discover our inner hero. So, don’t flee from obstacles, don’t bemoan your fate. If you are faced with difficulties, smile! If you can beat the odds, you have a chance to become something astounding. Don’t run away. Tackle them head on.”

Sin for Salvation

“Thou Shalt Not,” the controllers say. “Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt, Thou Shalt,” we say. Reject their Mind Control. Their sins are false. Sin for Salvation.”

Sin for Salvation

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“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.”

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“You should be looking for difficulties, not the easy option. The easy path is the life to anonymity and endless regret. The hard path is the one that gives you a purpose in life and brings out everything best in you. You have to become smarter, stronger, superior to overcome resistance. If you flee from the hard path, you will never encounter your higher self. How do you differentiate yourself from six and half billion other people? By doing hard things. The harder the challenge you take on, the fewer people will be in competition with you. You will have to make enormous sacrifices. If you don’t, you won’t achieve anything.
It’s as simple as that.”

Sin for Salvation

The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati Quotes

“If we want to see God, we may have to see the Devil first. Hell precedes Heaven. There are no easy paths, no straight roads to Paradise. We have to wander along crooked tracks in dark woods and fall into bottomless abysses. Yet, in the end, our struggle makes us fit for Paradise.”

The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati

“In many ways, Dante's Divine Comedy was a dazzling depiction of the journey of the soul through Hell and Purgatory and its subsequent ascent through the heavens to Paradise is an allegory of the trials and tribulations of a soul as it undergoes many reincarnations in the world before achieving gnosis and escaping.”

The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati

“Mathematics is the sole guarantor of rational truth. Even modern science bows to mathematics and it is precisely for that reason that religion and science can once again be brought back together. Mathematics is the glue that binds religion and science. It is the only religious language that science understands. All other religious statements are ridiculous nonsense. All
declarations of faith and revelation are preposterous and laughable. They are the essence of antimathematics, hence they are utterly false.”

The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati

The Disproof of Christianity Quotes

“Finding people who can make a difference in the world is like panning for gold. A huge amount of detritus has to be sifted before the nuggets are found. Most of the gold comes in small grains, but now and again a great, gleaming 24 carat nugget appears – a world-historic figure who will change everything. What’s it all about? INTELLIGENCE. DISCIPLINE. AMBITION. CAPABILITY. TALENT. DETERMINATION. Those are the qualities needed. It’s not about what the world can do for you. It’s about what you can do for the world. So, what can you do? Anything? Those who can, do. Those that can’t go on forums and discuss conspiracy theories.”

The Disproof of Christianity

“Our goal is simple. Rather than wait for enlightenment to come to us, we are seeking enlightenment. We are not waiting to stumble upon God, we are seeking to actively grow towards the objective of becoming Gods ourselves so that we may join him: Spiritual übermenschen living on Mt. Olympus.”

The Disproof of Christianity

The Illuminati Quotes

“Bless us, divine number, who generated gods and men. Number contains the root and source of eternally flowing creation.”  --Pythagoras”

The Illuminati

The Illuminati Manifesto Quotes

“In the world of the privileged, all unprivileged people are invisible. The rich stare right through
you as though you aren’t there. Isn’t it time you made yourself visible?”

The Illuminati Manifesto

“The one thing Dante never considered is that hell would be a place that the overwhelming majority LOVE. American Idol and X-Factor ? these are programmes created by the elite to provide “bread and circuses” to the masses, and how the masses flock to the Colosseum. What they haven’t realised ? because they’re too stupid ? is that they’re the “Christians” being fed to the lions. They’re watching the annihilation of their hopes of a good life, and yet they’re laughing and cheering! That demonstrates the extent of the elite’s mind control over them. Every second you spend watching junk TV is a wasted second, and if you watch a huge amount of shit, you’ve wasted your life.”

The Illuminati Manifesto

“Your attention please. This is not a rehearsal. This is not a drill. This is your life. Make the most of it. Become a hero. Bring the ultimate cosmic journey – your journey – to its appointed end. Become God.”

The Illuminati Manifesto

The Illuminati Phalanx Quotes

“New World Order is not made with hugs and kisses, with heart-to-heart conversations or “unconditional love”. It is made with the sweat of hard toil upon the backs of genius, it is made with determination and devotion, it is shaped by skill and by art and a piercing intelligence that dims every star with its brilliance.”

The Illuminati Phalanx

“Our world will be far better off adopting communes as the fundamental unit of society. At a stroke, people will be far more cooperative and the deadly, cutthroat, soul destroying game theory competition between families will at long last come to an end. Sinister governments love the family because it is the ideal means for spreading the ideology of “divide and rule”. If families are all working against each other in a ferocious contest of selfinterest, they will pose no threat to the entrenched elite.”

The Illuminati Phalanx

“We demand the economic empowerment of the masses through an enormous redistribution of wealth from the privileged to the people. We demand a system of total social mobility i.e. we demand the complete abolition of the force obstructing social mobility: privilege. We demand that those people living on the margins, the fringes of society, be restored to the mainstream and have their dignity returned to them. Nobody people versus Somebody people. It’s time for the nobodies to win.”

The Illuminati Phalanx

The Illuminati's Six Dimensional Universe Quotes

“Einstein’s theory says nothing less than that all photons are, in their frame of reference, outside space and time. They don’t experience the passing of time and they don’t experience the traversing of any distances. The universe, for photons, is a mystical dimensionless point. Even if there were an infinite number of photons, they would all inhabit this inconceivable singularity beyond the reach of time and space. Can you begin to see? The realm of light, as described by Einstein’s supremely well tested equations, is astonishingly similar to what we have described as the r = 0 dimensionless domain: the realm of the mental. Immediately, the profoundest of questions arises. Are light and thought the same thing? Are photons, when considered from the correct perspective, mental rather than physical? When the sun shines on us, are we being bathed in the “thoughts” of the sun as well as its light? If photons do not experience space and time, and they do not have any mass, how else would you characterise them except as some sort of mind-like entities?”

The Illuminati's Six Dimensional Universe

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“If you accept your government's view of everything, and if you accept your particular religious persuasion of things, then you are no different than the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Muslims and all the other people we condemn throughout the world or those silly radicals who follow the views of their leaders and blow up buildings without asking questions.”

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