Adam Weishaupt Quotes
Best Abraham Quotes by Adam Weishaupt
Abraham Quotes
“The ancient Gnostics knew that the Abrahamic 'God' was Satan. Isn’t it time you reached the same conclusion?”
“The Devil’s greatest trick isn’t getting you to think he doesn’t exist. Quite the reverse. It’s getting you to think he’s God and that you must obey him without question.
Devil worshippers aren’t a rare exception in our world – they’re the norm.”
“The head of every family will be what Abraham was, the patriarch, the priest and the unlettered lord of his family, and Reason will be the code of laws to all mankind.”
“Why is that we, the Illuminati, are the only people on Earth willing to expose the criminality that lies at the heart of Abrahamism? Why is this subject glossed over?
What’s the point of having laws against murder and human sacrifice if religions sanction these things?”
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“If we didn't already have libraries, they would now have to be invented. They are the keys to American success in fully exploiting the information superhighways of the future.”
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Adam Weishaupt Sources
- All quotes by Adam Weishaupt (67 quotes)
- Abraham (4 quotes)
- Contra Mundum (4 quotes)
- Evangelical Protestants (3 quotes)
- High Priests of Hell (3 quotes)
- Jehovah (1 quote)
- Jesus, Prince of Hell (3 quotes)
- Resurrection (1 quote)
- Sex for Salvation (2 quotes)
- Sin for Salvation (5 quotes)
- The Crystal Spheres of the Illuminati (3 quotes)
- The Disproof of Christianity (2 quotes)
- The Illuminati (1 quote)
- The Illuminati Manifesto (3 quotes)
- The Illuminati Phalanx (3 quotes)
- The Illuminati's Six Dimensional Universe (2 quotes)
- The Movement (6 quotes)
- Other quotes by Adam Weishaupt (21 quotes)