Alex Hormozi Quotes Page 10


Best 453 Quotes by Alex Hormozi – Page 10 of 16

Twitter post Quotes

“Leverage is the difference between what you put in and what you get out.”

Twitter post

“Life won’t give us a progress bar, so we have to make one for ourselves.”

Twitter post

“Live rich. Die broke.”

Twitter post

“Many people stop doing the right thing because they’re measuring it on the wrong timeline.”

Twitter post

“Mistakes love a rushed decision.”

Twitter post

“Modeling what someone did to get to there is better than modeling what they do once they’re there.”

Twitter post

“Money is fickle. It sticks with the person who pays it the most attention.”

Twitter post

“Money lesson that stuck with me:

Don’t count the other guy’s money.”

Twitter post

“Money sticks to the person who pays it the most attention.”

Twitter post

“More plans don’t work because they’re not followed, not because they‘re bad.”

Twitter post

“Most advice we give to strangers is what we wish we could tell our younger selves.”

Twitter post

“Most business owners wouldn’t use their own product. And that’s why new customers don’t want to either.”

Twitter post

“Most humans eat the same 5-10 meals 90% of the time. If you want to change the way you look, you just have to change those 5-10 meals. That’s it.”

Twitter post

“Most of my pain I can trace back to thinking I was more important than I am.”

Twitter post

“Most of us don’t need a lot of people, just one, to believe in us.”

Twitter post

“Most people ask for advice when they want permission.”

Twitter post

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“I have no problem living with risk in my life. It’s what separates the men from the boys.”

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“Most people can’t be happy for others because they think if their friend wins they lose. The irony is, the higher your friend’s status, the higher your status by association. There are many virtuous reasons to cheer a friend, but self interest is among the most compelling.”

Twitter post

“Most people don’t mature as they age. They just stay the same and get older.”

Twitter post

“Most people get rich first, then get weird.

And people try and copy their weird sh*t rather than the grind it took them to get there.

Model the rise not the plateau.”

Twitter post

“Most people hate change more than they hate losing. So they lose.”

Twitter post

“Most people lose because they play infinite games with a finite perspective.

In a finite game, there is a clearly defined end point. There are winners and losers.

In an infinite game, all parties work to keep playing. There are no winners or losers, only those that quit due to a lack of will or resources.

People treat their health like it’s a finite game. They try to 'win' at health. 'Get the body', 'get the bikini' but the point isn’t to get it, but to keep it.

Not to get in shape but to stay in shape.

People treat marriage like they’re going to 'win' at marriage. But you don’t win at marriage. The point is to stay married. To keep the game going.

And people misapply the same construct to business. They want to 'win' at business. But there is no winning. There is no end. The point, like marriage and health, is to stay in business. To keep the game going.

That’s the most relevant frame shift I’ve experienced when it comes to applying game theory to everyday life.

There are no winners and losers in the big games of life: only players and quitters.”

Twitter post

“Most people overestimate how well other people are doing and underestimate how well they’re doing.”

Twitter post

“Most problems fade when you expand your time horizon.

And if you’re not gonna care eventually, might as well not care today.”

Twitter post

“My big anxiety cure-all: I’m gonna die and this isn’t gonna matter.

Makes light work of most daily stressors.”

Twitter post

“My dad used to repeat this line to me when I was an upset little kid looking for sympathy. He never gave it to me and instead said:

“It’s better to be envied than pitied.”

In one line he captured personal responsibility. I always remember that line to this day.”

Twitter post

“My favorite way to stop feeling angry: Remind myself I don’t matter.”

Twitter post

“My life has never gotten worse by removing mediocre people.”

Twitter post

“Myth: Working too much leads to burnout.
Reality: Not being able to manage emotions leads to burnout.”

Twitter post

“No course is gonna make you rich. But the decision to voraciously learn will.”

Twitter post

“No matter how bad you want to, never justify a failure with circumstances. Otherwise, you have to give them credit for your successes.”

Twitter post

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“I grew up as an only child, so I like being by myself. So I train predominantly – 98 percent of the time – by myself.”

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