Alex Hormozi Quotes Page 14


Best 453 Quotes by Alex Hormozi – Page 14 of 16

Twitter post Quotes

“To be clear, I don’t think traditional college is bad. It’s just overpriced.”

Twitter post

“To focus, you don’t need adderall, you need something to prove.”

Twitter post

“To make habits stick I recommend making the good thing more convenient than the bad thing. Let laziness work in your favor.”

Twitter post

“To make money, you don’t have to beat every business. You just have to beat the worst ones. Much less intimidating.”

Twitter post

“Today is tomorrow’s good ol' days.”

Twitter post

“Trust is the best deal lubricant.”

Twitter post

“Urgency gets more people to buy. Scarcity gets people to pay more.”

Twitter post

“We admire people more for their effort than their outcomes.”

Twitter post

“We die like we go to sleep. With things unsaid and unfinished.”

Twitter post

“We gain more by accepting criticism than fighting it.”

Twitter post

“We have difficulty finding things we’re grateful for because we believe we deserve more than we have.”

Twitter post

“We pay for every lesson with either time or money. And we use the currency we value least.”

Twitter post

“We regret the risks we didn’t take more than the ones we did.”

Twitter post

“We stay poor until we’ve learned all the lessons poverty has to teach.”

Twitter post

“Wealth > Status

Where wealth means knowing you have more than you need and status means convincing others you have more than they have.”

Twitter post

“Wealth is a ratio, not a number.”

Twitter post

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“Everyone fails. Highly successful people fail many more times than the rest of the world and with much higher stakes at hand.”

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“We’re only hurt when people insult us using the same words we use to insult ourselves.”

Twitter post

“What makes entrepreneurship hard isn’t the work, it’s not knowing whether it’ll work.

We’re afraid of wasted work.

But if it makes you better, no work is wasted.”

Twitter post

“What other people say about your product > what you say about your product
What you think about you > what others think about you”

Twitter post

“What they say: noise
What they do: signal”

Twitter post

“Whatever you want most is on the other side of 2-3 hard conversations you’ve been avoiding.”

Twitter post

“When a person eliminates desire, they destroy the influence anyone and anything has over them.”

Twitter post

“When selling or explaining, the value of the perfect analogy can’t be overstated. It’s the framework the prospect hangs your entire argument on.”

Twitter post

“When someone has no context on your life and gives advice, they’re not talking to you, they’re talking to themselves.”

Twitter post

“When the prospect is ready, the salesman appears.”

Twitter post

“When you don’t have tracking, you’re not marketing, you’re gambling.”

Twitter post

“When you increase the quality of your customers, you increase the quality of your company.”

Twitter post

“When you travel you either experience an awesome new place, or you find a newfound appreciation for home.

Win win.”

Twitter post

“When your free shit is better than their paid shit, you win.”

Twitter post

“Whenever I have major life choices this question rings in the back of my mind: What would you do if you were fearless?”

Twitter post

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“People don’t resist what they want.

They resist what is imposed upon them.”

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