Alex Hormozi Quotes Page 3

Books by Alex Hormozi


Best 457 Quotes by Alex Hormozi – Page 3 of 16

“Your self-esteem in a situation is directly proportional to the number of quality alternative options available to you.”

$100M Offers Quotes

“All businesses and, all markets, have unpleasant characteristics. The grass is never greener once you get to the other side. If you keep hopping from niche to niche, hoping that the market will solve your problems, you deserve to be niche slapped.”

$100M Offers

“Business is not a spectator sport.”

$100M Offers

“Entrepreneurship is about acquiring skills, beliefs, and character traits. To advance, I find that we must determine which skills, beliefs, and character traits we lack. Most times, we simply need to improve.”

$100M Offers

“Grow or die is a core tenet at our companies. We believe every person, every company, and every organism is either growing or dying. Maintenance is a myth.”

$100M Offers

“Hormozi Law: The longer you delay the ask, the bigger the ask you can make.

The longer the runway, the bigger the plane that can take off.”

$100M Offers

“I decided on a microgym owner with ~100 members, a signed lease, at least one employee, and wanted to help clients lose weight. That’s pretty specific compared to 'small business owners' or 'anyone who will pay me' which is common.”

$100M Offers

Book of the Week

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


“I have a saying I use to train sales teams 'The pain is the pitch.' If you can articulate the pain a prospect is feeling accurately, they will almost always buy what you are offering. A prospect must have a painful problem for us to solve and charge money for our solution.”

$100M Offers

“If I were a relationship expert trying to find my avatar, I’d rather focus on 'second half of life relationship' coaching for old timers than helping college students in relationships.

Why? Because senior citizens who are alone are likely suffering more pain as they are nearer their deaths (pain), have more buying power (money), and are easy to find (targeting).

Lastly, at the time of this writing, there are more people turning 65 each year than turning 20 (growing).”

$100M Offers

“If your company isn’t growing, it’s dying.”

$100M Offers

“It is far better to have understood why you failed than to be ignorant of why you succeeded.”

$100M Offers

“Making shit loads of money breaks people’s minds. It literally stretches their minds so far past what they believe is possible they assume you are doing something wrong or illegal.”

$100M Offers

“Niching down will make you far more money.”

$100M Offers

“People who experience a victory early on are more likely to continue with something than those who do not.”

$100M Offers

Products by Alex Hormozi

“Riches are in the niches.”

$100M Offers

“Sell your product based on value not on price.”

$100M Offers

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“Success in business and in life isn’t rocket science. But most people will make it out to be so that they can justify their poor position in life.”

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“The degree of the pain will be proportional to the price you will be able to charge. When they hear the solution to their pain, and inversely, what their life would look like without this pain, they should be drawn to your solution.”

$100M Offers

“The only thing that beats 'free' is 'fast'. People will pay for speed.”

$100M Offers

“The point of good writing is for the reader to understand. The point of good persuasion is for the prospect to feel understood.”

$100M Offers

“There are three main markets that will always exist: Health, wealth, and relationships.”

$100M Offers

“What does it take to grow? Thankfully, just three simple things:

1. Get more customers
2. Increase their average purchase value
3. Get them to buy more times

That’s it.”

$100M Offers

Book of the Week

Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas


“When demand increases, cut supply.”

$100M Offers

“When I truly grasped how much more profit I was leaving on the table, it changed my life. It was what took me from doing acquisition for anyone to teaching it to a specific avatar.”

$100M Offers

“You can either be right or you can be rich.”

$100M Offers

“You want to be ‘the guy’ who services ‘this type of person’ or solves ‘this type of problem’. And even more niched ‘I solve this type of problem for this specific type of person in this unique counter-intuitive way' that reverses their deepest fear.”

$100M Offers

Twitter post Quotes

“'Because it is hard' is never an acceptable reason to stop.”

Twitter post

“10,000 cold calls will teach you more about sales than any book will.”

Twitter post

“140M people created annually.

You only have time to know a handful.

Eliminate most. Select few.”

Twitter post

Products by Alex Hormozi

“28 ways to guarantee poverty

1. Start tomorrow
2. Read books. Do nothing.
3. Take advice from poor people on how to be rich.
4. Pick a spouse who makes you feel guilty about working.
5. Fail once, quit forever.
6. Think the world is fair.
7. Blame your circumstances.
8. Complain.
9. Expect the government to save you.
10. Value the opinion of others over your own.
11. Avoid discomfort.
12. Tolerate mediocrity.
13. Make promises. Break promises.
14. Wait for perfect conditions.
15. Prioritize looking rich over being rich.
16. Avoid working on what matters most.
17. Say you’re going to do something. Don’t do it.
18. Do what everyone else is doing.
19. Do 'your best', not what it takes.
20. Talk more. Do less.
21. Start something new today. Start something new tomorrow. Repeat.
22. Believe what other people think of you, more than what you think of you.
23. Make mistake. Repeat mistake.
24. Be replaceable.
25. Find something that works. Stop doing it.
26. Hire dumb people.
27. Assume you’re always right.
28. Make money. Spend more than what you made.

Want to guarantee success? Do the opposite.”

Twitter post

“3 differences between a pivot and a shiny object:

1) Post change will you be doing two things or one? 1 - Pivot. 2 - Shiny Object
2) Same avatar and core promise? Same - Pivot. New - Shiny
3) Same team or new team to make happen? Same - Pivot. New - shiny.”

Twitter post

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“Everyday I have to choose between spending time with my kids or going on twitter to argue with web3 skeptics.

My kids haven't seen me in weeks.”

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