Alex Jones Quotes Page 2


Best 60 Quotes by Alex Jones – Page 2 of 2

“The majority of world stock markets are now owned by the Arabs.”

“The reason there are so many gay people now is because it's a chemical warfare operation. I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so people don't have children.”

“The sleeping giant that is America is rising!”

“There are people who are avaricious parasites. There are psychotic geniuses in control of this planet, and to them human beings are only a commodity to be bought and sold and traded.”

“There's a war on for your mind!”

“These are people that had gay sex hundreds of times in coffins, begging for spiritual entities to possess them.”

“They tell you about the stuff you know about, GPS and all of that. But when it comes to controlling the weather, they don’t. But it’s in all the trade publications, the university publications. It’s all there, and that’s my frustration.”

“Twitter's designed to reduce the language, directly out of 1984! It's Ingsoc!”

“We all see through different perceptions, but, certainly, the perception of David Icke has proven to be much more clear than the average man and woman out there.”

“We're gonna bring these crooks to justice!”

“We're turning into a bunch of self-centered walking dead trash, and we're such zombies! We're such self-centered crap that we don't even notice Hell itself rising up against.”

“What do you think tap water is? It's a gay bomb, baby. And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings. I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly. I mean, give me a break. Do you think I'm like, oh, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people? I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the freakin' frogs gay! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny!”

“When they get our guns, they can have their world tyranny.”

Endgame Quotes

“A lot of the wars, a lot of the stuff happening in the Middle East, is because of the Israeli lobby, one of the most powerful in the United States, and they brag about this.”


“A world-wide control grid designed to ensure the overlord's monopoly of power forever. Our species will be condemned to this nightmare future unless the masses are awakened to the New World Order Master Plan and mobilized to defeat it.”


“In the near future earth is dominated by a powerful world government. Once free nations are slaves to the will of a tiny elite. The dawn of a new dark age is upon mankind. Countries are a thing of the past. Every form of independence is under attack with the family and even the individual itself nearing extinction. Close to 80% of the earth's population has been eliminated. A program of total dehumanization where the science of tyranny is law.”


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“It is very clear that the head of the snake is the financial system.”

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Question Your Reality Quotes

“I grew up in Dallas, Texas, drinking sodium fluoridated water. All the scientific studies show my IQ has been reduced by at least 20 points. The shadow of who I would have been calls out from the grave.”

Question Your Reality

The Great Reset Quotes

“As I’ve reviewed Schwab’s work, he reminds me of a stage magician, diverting your attention with one hand, so you don’t see what he’s doing with the other. It’s easy to be fooled, as Schwab is comfortable with the kind of gee-whiz, ain’t it cool, upbeat, pop psychology business books that were once so popular. One can view him as a well-trained persuader, but once you see the game he’s playing, it’s difficult to retain any respect for him.”

The Great Reset

“As we wrapped up our interview, Wood suggested three things to me. First, he suggested I reread 'Brave New World', written by Aldous Huxley in 1933, the same year Technocracy established itself at Columbia University. In Brave New World, there’s no political structure, said Wood. The world is run by the scientists and engineers. The book was a direct attack on Technocracy, so I suggest you reread it to see what things have come to pass, and what might be ahead.”

The Great Reset

“But while you may find yourself interested in the attack of free speech, or surveillance of your carbon footprint, you might be saying to yourself, I wonder what George Soros is doing these days? Well, even though he’s ninety-one years old, he decided to show up at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022 to give his thoughts.”

The Great Reset

“Harari is best known for his million-copy bestsellers, which seem to find great favor with the most powerful people in the world. The front of the paperback version of his book Sapiens has an endorsement from Bill Gates that reads: I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who’s interested in the history and future of our species.”

The Great Reset

“Henry Kissinger warned us when he said: Control the Food, control the People. Control the Energy, control the Continents. Control the Money, control the World.”

The Great Reset

“It was created by David Rockefeller, the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and from the Rockefeller oil dynasty. The other founder was a political scientist from Columbia University named Zbigniew Brzezinski. The two of them founded the Trilateral Commission.”

The Great Reset

“The significance of Brzezinski being at Columbia University is that he was aware of what Technocracy was because that’s where it was developed in the early 1930s. Brzezinski wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. That book foretold the Technetronic era we’re living in today.”

The Great Reset

The Justin Bieber Rant Quotes

“I ask you to look in the mirror, and ask yourselves what are you doing in this time of great challenge? What are you doing to unlock minds? Once you unlock a mind, once you unlock somebody, then they can unlock their soul. We can't unlock a soul, only God can do that. But we can unlock minds.

And once the mind is unlocked, once the intellect is turned on, then comes the discernment, then comes the awakening of the soul, then comes true enlightenment and empowerment. So the globalists seek to make you a bunch of jealous, stunted, weak, backstabbing, gibbering demons. All of us have the lower elements and the higher. We must strive for the higher. Stay with us!”

The Justin Bieber Rant

“I wanna see you truly live! I wanna see you truly be who you are! I don't want my progeny who's coming, my unborn grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live in this nightmare system these control freaks have created where these wicked globalists are so threatened by human potential they poison the water, the vaccines, the food to turn us into a bunch of slugs, a bunch of lobotomized sloths so they can control us.

It is a crime, it is the most jealous, envious, greedy, hateful, sickening thing the New World Order does and that's why I am so pleased to be committed in the fight against them. That's why I don't care about my own life except I wanna continue to live to fight them. That's why I don't have fear. I only have fear of myself and my flesh and not being up to the challenge!”

The Justin Bieber Rant

“Life is fiery with its beauty! Its incredible detail! Tuning into it! They wanna shutter your mind, talking about Justin Bieber! It's pure evil! They're taking your intellect, your soul, and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the globalists who wanna shutter your mind – your doorways to perception!”

The Justin Bieber Rant

“when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber — you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages. They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Bieber, and then Bieber says "hand in your guns", "pass the Cyber Security Act", and "the police state is good", and then your children are turned into a mindless vassals — who now, they look up to some twit, instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan.

I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot cooler than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet! He was killed by wild natives before they got back to Portugal! And when they got back there was only like eleven people alive of the two hundred and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline! That's destiny! That's will! That's striving! That's being a trailblazer and explore! Going into space! Mathematics! Quantum mechanics! The secrets of the universe! It's all there!”

The Justin Bieber Rant

We're Coming for Ya Globalist Quotes

“Stop feeling like you don't have power. Stop feeling pathetic and weak. Break out of your television-induced trance. It starts with a war growl. It starts with getting fired up, staring at yourself in the mirror, and showing some teeth, and saying: I'm a human being. I have dignity. I'm gonna resist. I'm gonna start recognizing the propaganda. I'm gonna break free from it. I'm not gonna fight with my family. I'm gonna organize with my family, and realize we're under attack by the social engineers. And I'm not gonna fight with my neighbors. We're gonna organize. Humanity's gonna come together.”

We're Coming for Ya Globalist

“We know we're under attack! We know it! We're breaking the conditioning! We're coming for ya globalist. Coming for ya! Coming for ya! We know what you're doing! I'm sorry, I just get fired up when I think about what they're doing to us and how I wanna resist them, and how easy they are to defeat. Excuse me. I think my testosterone's going up. This happens every time I start working out a lot again. And I swam two miles this morning pretty hard, and ate a big fat steak steak last night full of hormones, testosterone, on its own right. So I'm going a little bit wild today, excuse me.”

We're Coming for Ya Globalist

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“It is part of our human nature to want to be liked. It is part of our human nature to worry about what others think of us. It is an attribute of greatness and of American exceptionalism to not surrender to our nature, but to be guided by an inner calling to persevere and to prevail, no matter the personal cost.”

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