Alex Jones Quotes

Best 7 The Great Reset Quotes by Alex Jones

The Great Reset Quotes

“As I’ve reviewed Schwab’s work, he reminds me of a stage magician, diverting your attention with one hand, so you don’t see what he’s doing with the other. It’s easy to be fooled, as Schwab is comfortable with the kind of gee-whiz, ain’t it cool, upbeat, pop psychology business books that were once so popular. One can view him as a well-trained persuader, but once you see the game he’s playing, it’s difficult to retain any respect for him.”

The Great Reset

“As we wrapped up our interview, Wood suggested three things to me. First, he suggested I reread 'Brave New World', written by Aldous Huxley in 1933, the same year Technocracy established itself at Columbia University. In Brave New World, there’s no political structure, said Wood. The world is run by the scientists and engineers. The book was a direct attack on Technocracy, so I suggest you reread it to see what things have come to pass, and what might be ahead.”

The Great Reset

“But while you may find yourself interested in the attack of free speech, or surveillance of your carbon footprint, you might be saying to yourself, I wonder what George Soros is doing these days? Well, even though he’s ninety-one years old, he decided to show up at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2022 to give his thoughts.”

The Great Reset

“Harari is best known for his million-copy bestsellers, which seem to find great favor with the most powerful people in the world. The front of the paperback version of his book Sapiens has an endorsement from Bill Gates that reads: I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who’s interested in the history and future of our species.”

The Great Reset

“Henry Kissinger warned us when he said: Control the Food, control the People. Control the Energy, control the Continents. Control the Money, control the World.”

The Great Reset

“It was created by David Rockefeller, the chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and from the Rockefeller oil dynasty. The other founder was a political scientist from Columbia University named Zbigniew Brzezinski. The two of them founded the Trilateral Commission.”

The Great Reset

“The significance of Brzezinski being at Columbia University is that he was aware of what Technocracy was because that’s where it was developed in the early 1930s. Brzezinski wrote a book called Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. That book foretold the Technetronic era we’re living in today.”

The Great Reset

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