Alexander Elder Quotes

Best 19 The New Trading for a Living Quotes by Alexander Elder

The New Trading for a Living Quotes

“A loser's true problem is not account size but overtrading and sloppy money management. He takes risks that are too big for his account size, however small or big. No matter how good his system may be, a streak of bad trades is sure to put him out of business.”

The New Trading for a Living

“An astute trader aims to enter the market during quiet times and take profits during wild times.”

The New Trading for a Living

“An intelligent businessman takes only risks that will not put him out of business, even if he makes several mistakes in a row.”

The New Trading for a Living

“Being simply 'better than average' is not good enough. You have to be head and shoulders above the crowd to win a minus-sum game.”

The New Trading for a Living

“It is hard enough to know what the market is going to do; if you don't know what you are going to do, the game is lost.”

The New Trading for a Living

“Markets need a fresh supply of losers just as builders of the ancient pyramids needed a fresh supply of slaves. Losers bring money into the markets, which is necessary for the prosperity of the trading industry.”

The New Trading for a Living

“People deceive and play games with themselves. Lying to others is bad, but lying to yourself is hopeless.”

The New Trading for a Living

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“People trade for many reasons—some rational and many irrational. Trading offers an opportunity to make a lot of money in a hurry. Money symbolizes freedom to many people, even though they often don't know what to do with it.”

The New Trading for a Living

“Professionals expect prices to fluctuate most of the time, without going anywhere far. They wait until an upside breakout stops reaching new highs or a downside breakout stops making new lows. Then they pounce—fade the breakout (trade against it) and place a protective stop near the latest extreme point. It's a tight stop, and their monetary risk is low, with a big profit potential from prices returning towards the middle of the congestion zone.”

The New Trading for a Living

“So far, the only people who've made money from trading systems are their sellers.”

The New Trading for a Living

“The answer is to draw a line between a businessman's risk and a loss. As traders, we always take businessman's risks, but we may never take a loss greater than this predetermined risk.”

The New Trading for a Living

“The markets are unforgiving, and emotional trading always results in losses.”

The New Trading for a Living

“The public wants gurus, and new gurus will come. As an intelligent trader, you must realize that in the long run, no guru is going to make you rich. You have to work on that yourself.”

The New Trading for a Living

“There are good trading systems out there, but they have to be monitored and adjusted using individual judgment. You have to stay on the ball—you cannot abdicate responsibility for your success to a mechanical system.”

The New Trading for a Living

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“To be a good trader, you need to trade with your eyes open, recognize real trends and turns, and not waste time or energy on regrets and wishful thinking.”

The New Trading for a Living

“To help ensure success, practice defensive money management. A good trader watches his capital as carefully as a professional scuba diver watches his air supply.”

The New Trading for a Living

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“The market has a simple way of whittling all excessive pride and overblown egos down to size. After all, the whole idea is to be completely objective and recognize what the marketplace is telling you, rather than try to prove that the thing you said or did yesterday or six weeks ago was right. The fastest way to take a bath in the stock market or go broke is to try to prove that you are right and the market is wrong.”

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“To win in the markets, we need to master three essential components of trading: sound psychology, a logical trading system, and an effective risk management plan.”

The New Trading for a Living

“Use limit orders almost exclusively—except when placing stops. Be careful on what tools you spend money: there are no magic solutions. Success cannot be bought, only earned.”

The New Trading for a Living

“Why do most traders lose and wash out of the markets? Emotional and mindless trading are big reasons, but there is another. Markets are actually set up so that most traders must lose money. The trading industry slowly kills traders with commissions and slippage.”

The New Trading for a Living