Allen Carr Quotes

Best 10 The Easyway to Stop Smoking Quotes by Allen Carr

The Easyway to Stop Smoking Quotes

“Eight hours after putting out a cigarette, you are 97% nicotine-free. After just three days of not smoking, you are 100% nicotine-free.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“Get it clear in your mind: Cigarettes do not fill a void. They create one!”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“If you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything but it’s true. I used to think that physical fitness fanatics were a pain. I used to claim that there was more to life than feeling fit: like booze and smokes.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“Quite simply, the key to being a happy non-smoker is to remove the desire to smoke. With no desire to smoke, it takes no Willpower not to do so.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“The cigarette gets the credit for everything and the blame for nothing.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“The effect of the brainwashing is that we tend to think like the man who, having fallen off a 100-story building is heard to say as he passes the fiftieth floor, ‘So far, so good!”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“The main reason that smokers find it difficult to quit is that they believe that they are giving up a genuine pleasure or crutch. It is absolutely essential to understand that there is nothing to ‘give up’.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

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“The moment you stop smoking, everything that goes wrong in your life is blamed on the fact that you’ve stopped smoking.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“The whole business of smoking is like forcing yourself to wear tight shoes just to get the pleasure of taking them off.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

“Whenever you think about smoking you must see it as a lifetime’s chain of filth, disease, fear, misery and slavery.”

The Easyway to Stop Smoking

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