Amancio Ortega Gaona Quotes


Best 42 Quotes by Amancio Ortega Gaona – Page 1 of 2

“All employees, with the latest fashion trends foremost in mind, perform their jobs while paying close attention to environmental and social issues, which confers a high degree of responsibility to their creative work.”

“All of the chains in our group will continue to strive to bring their concept of fashion to new customers all over the world.”

“Attempt to seduce the customer with the latest fashion, the finest design, and the most attentive service.”

“Companies are comprised of human beings without the effort, professionalisms, and motivation of whom, no achievement could be made.”

“Die of success? Give me a break! We’ve only just started!”

“Dynamic decision-making, common sense, a sense of commitment and self-criticism guided by motivating leaders are the key values underpinning this shared determination to take fashion to all corners of the globe.”

“Each employee’s sense of initiative, the enthusiasm our teams display in the course of their daily work and the motivation they convey to other teams are the real secrets of the group’s success.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I am the property of my business, not the reverse.”

“I would like to underscore an issue which in my view is essential in such a sizable Group as Inditex. I am talking about the human ‘touch’: matters such as team building, internal motivation, promotion, reconciliation of work and family or training of officials, all of which are a key for a steady progress and success of a company such as ours. This idea must permeate all the spheres of the company.”

“I'll keep working until the end.”

“Innovation and commitment towards our customers define our corporate culture.”

“Innovation and constant improvement must keep on being the motivating idea of our Group throughout the 21st century.”

“International expansion carried out both independently and through agreements with other companies, is the object that cannot be delayed and will allow us, through diversity, to enrich our culture and vision of the market.”

“More than 12,000 people from many different countries currently make up our group. This diversity is synonymous with open-mindedness and flexibility, and pushes us to continue evolving, with enthusiasm and perseverance, towards new projects.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“On the street, I only want to be recognised by my family, my friends and people I work with.”

“Once again we will have to be enthusiastic and exacting in order to convert ideas and projects into reality…”

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“Men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories.”

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“One thing hasn’t changed – the innovative spirit and urges for improvement that was the driving force back then.”

“Our daily task is marked by self-improvement and the continual search for new opportunities.”

“Putting our capacity for profitable growth in the long term to the scrutiny of investors.”

“Store employees have the best understanding of customer tastes.”

“The creation of new chains and the widening of our product ranges is our response to the new opportunities of the environment.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The customer has always driven the business model…”

“The customer must continue to be our main centre of attention, both in the creation of our fashion collections and in the design of our shops, of our logistical system and of any other activity.”

“The demands which the economic environment has made of us have made clear the strength of this business model, its capacity to adapt in a flexible manner to the demands of the market, and the solidity of its expectations of profitable growth in the future.”

“The future will be marked by the result of combining the flow of accumulated experience with the youth of those who, day by day, join the Group, and these ingredients are going to make it possible for us to continue to this great project forward with the confidence of the first day.”

“The good governance of the company – and a transparent decision – making process – is inscribed in the very culture of our group.”

“The key part of Inditex’s business model is its human capital.”

“The main advantage of our model: flexibility to adapt our offer to market demands.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The motivation of almost 90,000 individuals working towards a single objective.”

“The primary goal of satisfying the appetite for fashion of our numerous customers worldwide. This requires a constant quest for innovation, creativity and cultural involvement at all international levels.”

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“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.”

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