Amelia Earhart Quotes Page 2


Best 74 Quotes by Amelia Earhart – Page 2 of 3

“In my life I had come to realize that when things were going very well indeed it was just the time to anticipate trouble. And, conversely, I learned from pleasant experience that at the most despairing crisis, when all looked sour beyond words, some delightful 'break' was apt to lurk just around the corner.

“In soloing – as in other activities – it is far easier to start something than to finish it.”

“It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her.”

“It was generally called the 'powder puff derby' and those who flew in it variously as 'Ladybirds', 'Angels' or 'Sweethearts of the Air'. We are still trying to get ourselves called just 'pilots'.”

“Life is worthwhile in itself.”

“Mostly, my flying has been solo, but the preparation for it wasn't. Without my husband's help and encouragement, I could not have attempted what I have. Ours has been a contented and reasonable partnership, he with his solo jobs and I with mine. But always with work and play together, conducted under a satisfactory system of dual control.”

“My ambition is to have this wonderful gift produce practical results for the future of commercial flying and for the women who may want to fly tomorrow's planes.”

“Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do.”

“Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn’t be done.”

“No borders, just horizons – only freedom.”

“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed.”

“Not much more than a month ago, I was on the other shore of the Pacific, looking westward. This evening, I looked eastward over the Pacific. In those fast-moving days, which have intervened, the whole width of the world has passed behind us, except this broad ocean. I shall be glad when we have the hazards of its navigation behind us.”

“Now and then women should do for themselves what men have already done — occasionally what men have not done — thereby establishing themselves as persons, and perhaps encouraging other women toward greater independence of thought and action.”

“Obviously I faced the possibility of not returning when first I considered going. Once faced and settled there really wasn't any good reason to refer to it.”

“One of my favorite phobias is that girls, especially those whose tastes aren't routine, often don't get a fair break. It has come down through the generations, an inheritance of age-old customs, which produced the corollary that women are bred to timidity.”

“Ours is the commencement of a flying age, and I am happy to have popped into existence at a period so interesting.”

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“Perhaps I have something of a chip on my shoulder when it comes to modern feminine education. Often youngsters are sadly miscast. I have known girls who should be tinkering with mechanical things instead of making dresses, and boys who would do better at cooking than engineering.”

“Please know that I am aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others.”

“Please let us not interfere with the other's work or play, nor let the world see our private joys or disagreements. In this connection I may have to keep some place where I can go to be myself, now and then, for I cannot guarantee to endure at all times the confinements of even an attractive cage.”

“Preparation is rightly two-thirds of any venture.”

“Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off! But if you don’t have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you.”

“The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.”

“The field was wet, the lane was wet, and the spirits of my mechanic and helper were damp.”

“The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one’s appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.”

“The more one does, the more one can do.”

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

“The most effective way to do it is to do it.”

“The soul's dominion? Each time we make a choice, we pay with courage to behold the restless day, and count it fair.”

“The stars seemed near enough to touch and never before have I seen so many. I always believed the lure of flying is the lure of beauty, but I was sure of it that night.”

“The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune.”

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