Amy Dacyczyn Quotes
Best 12 Quotes by Amy Dacyczyn
The Complete Tightwad Gazette Quotes
“Frugality without creativity is deprivation.”
“Is frugality bad for the economy?”
“Learning to bulk buy, like the acquisition of any new skill, requires an initial investment of time. The long-range dividends are unquestionable.”
“Let's suppose you'll make bread only if you have a bread machine. Compared to store-bought bread, will a machine pay for itself?”
“Real deprivation is not being able to afford the things that are high on your priority list.”
“Sometimes you can get the identical used item for significantly less.”
“The average American has huge debts. To ask him to spend more to get the economy rolling is silly. It increases his economic vulnerability.”
“The dieter will fail as long as he hates low-calorie food. The would-be athlete will fail as long as he hates exertion. The tightwad wannabe will fail as long as he views frugality as a lifestyle he has to endure, or was forced into by circumstance.”
“The manufacturing of most goods harms the environment in one way or another. The culprit is not the factory, but it is we who buy what it produces. Therefore we should think carefully about items we purchase.”
“The relationship between ethics and thrift can be summed up in just one sentence. It is wrong to save money at the expense of others. Period.”
“Tightwaddery without creativity is deprivation. When there is a lack of resourcefulness, inventiveness, and innovation, thrift means doing without. When creativity combines with thrift you may be doing it without money, but you are not doing without.”
“To claim that we must borrow and spend our way to prosperity is shortsighted.”
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