Andreas Moritz Quotes Page 3


Best 90 Quotes by Andreas Moritz – Page 3 of 3

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush Quotes

“Boosting self-confidence and self-esteem are important by-products of exercise that stem from an improved oxygen supply to the cells—not to mention the improvement in self-esteem that comes from losing excess fat, seeing muscle definition, feeling stronger, and generally looking great. All this results in greater well-being, both physically and mentally.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Eating a balanced vegetarian/vegan diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent the formation of gallstones, heart disease, and cancer. If you feel you cannot solely live on foods that are of vegetable origin, then at least try to substitute red meat with chicken, rabbit, or turkey for some time. Eventually, you may be able to go fully vegetarian. All forms of animal protein decrease the solubility of bile, which is a major risk factor for gallstones.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Eating a large meal in the evening is a major contributing factor in the development of gallstones in the liver. Eating food before going to sleep also upsets the digestive functions, for similar reasons.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Eating to the point at which you feel completely full, or feel that you cannot eat any more food, is a clear signal that the stomach has reached the point of dysfunction.

Digestive juices in the stomach are only able to combine with ingested food as long as the stomach is at least one-quarter empty. Two cupped handfuls of food (use your own hands to measure) equal about three-quarters the size of your stomach. This is the maximum amount of food the stomach can process at one time. Therefore, it is best to stop eating when you reach the point at which you feel you could still eat a little more.

Leaving the dinner table slightly hungry greatly improves digestive functions and prevents gallstones and disease from arising. ”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Ideally, there should be at least three hours between eating and bedtime.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Our technological and economic advancement has led to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, which requires additional forms of physical movement to keep our bodies vital and healthy. Regular exercise helps to increase our capacity to digest food, eliminate physical impurities, balance our emotions, promote firmness and suppleness, and strengthen our ability to deal with stressful situations.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Since the body cells have to sacrifice some of their own water for the removal of the nerve toxin caffeine, the regular consumption of coffee, tea, or colas causes them to become dehydrated. For every cup of tea or coffee you drink, the body has to mobilize 2 to 3 cups of water just to remove the stimulants, a luxury it cannot afford. This also applies to soft drinks, medicinal drugs, or any other stimulants, including watching TV for many hours. As a rule, all stimulants have a strong, dehydrating effect on the bile, blood, and digestive juices.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“The boost in energy experienced after drinking a cup of coffee is not a direct result of the caffeine it contains, but rather of the immune system’s attempt to get rid of the caffeine. An overexcited and suppressed immune system fails to provide the 'energizing' adrenaline and cortisol boosts needed to free the body from the acidic nerve toxin, caffeine. At this stage, people say that they are 'used' to a stimulant, such as coffee. So they tend to increase their intake of it to feel the 'benefits'. The often-heard expression 'I am dying for a cup of coffee' reflects the true peril of this situation.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“The ideal time for evening meals is around 6 p.m., and the ideal bedtime is before 10 p.m. ”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“The liver, especially, seems to benefit from aerobic exercise. The increased availability of oxygen during and after exercise greatly improves circulation and enhances the flow of venous blood from the liver toward the heart. A sedentary lifestyle slows this process, causing blood flow in the liver to stagnate. This, in turn, leads to the development of gallstones. For that reason, regular, non-strenuous exercise can prevent new stones from forming. ”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“Undigested foods always end up congesting the body, first in the intestinal tract, and then in the lymph and blood. This greatly affects the quality of digestion during daytime meals. Gradually, the digestive power, which is determined by balanced secretions of hydrochloric acid, bile, and digestive enzymes, becomes subdued, causing similar side effects to those that result from overeating.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

“When performed in moderation, exercise serves as a great immune stimulant and improves neuromuscular integration in all age groups.”

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse Quotes

“Gallstones are also common among obese patients who lose weight rapidly after gastric bypass surgery. (In gastric bypass surgery, the size of the stomach is reduced, preventing the person from overeating.) One study found that more than one-third (38 percent) of patients who had gastric bypass surgery developed gallstones within three months after the surgery.”

The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation Quotes

“Colognes or perfumes can lead to serious allergies, birth defects, and even cancer. A major loophole in U.S. Federal law allows fragrance makers to include potentially hazardous chemicals in their products, including the highly toxic phthalates and artificial musk. Most fragrances contain phthalates.

They are added to plastic to soften it. When absorbed by the skin, they act as the most powerful estrogens ever known. And abnormal estrogen levels cause cancer. Synthetically produced musk is linked to skin irritation, hormone disruption, and cancer as well. Natural fragrances emitted from aroma oils are beneficial for the body. Synthetic aromas, on the other hand, disrupt hormonal communication, and they accumulate in your body.”

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation

“It is the absence of inner happiness and peace of heart and mind that makes a person feel stressed and take medications, eat too much protein and food in general, abuse alcohol and tobacco, drink excessive amounts of coffee, become addicted to work or unhappy with your job or with yourself.”

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation

“Most cancers are the result of repeatedly suppressing mild symptoms of illness such as a cold, pain, infection, or headache and treating them as if they were real diseases.”

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation

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“It's very difficult in our society. You cannot impose certain behavioral changes. Education can do it at the right time, probably by high school. After that it is too late.”

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“The concepts of medicine formulated in the 19th century were partially based on the understanding by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who observed that an illness manifests signs and symptoms that travel from the inner vital organs and blood circulation to the outer surface of the body. These symptoms would often be visible as a rash or as a discharge of blood, mucus or pus. This ‘throwing off’ of an illness was considered a natural healing response expected to return the body to a state of balance or equilibrium.

Hippocrates perceived this labor as a cooking and digesting (pepsis) of our inner poisons during an inflammatory illness. It was also observed that immunity to or protection from an illness arose when a person had that illness before. Today we consider a disease as being an enemy that we need to battle against.”

Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation

Vaccine-Nation Quotes

“Another revelation for drug companies – boosters too didn’t provide lifelong immunity! Nature had checkmated even the most brilliant medical minds at their own game. So to cover up their own fallibility, vaccine manufacturers brainwashed the public into believing that a part of the vaccination schedule involves being vaccinated when you’re an adult.”


“Flu vaccination is an unproved and unscientific practice and nothing in the scientific literature can certify or guarantee its safety. Whereas it is illegal to put mercury or formaldehyde into food products because these are proven to have lethal effects, it is perfectly legal to inject the same toxins into the blood of millions of people, year after year.”


“I was never vaccinated against any disease. My mother, whose family included well respected medical physicians, refused to give in to the pressure of school officials and mainstream doctors who told her in no uncertain terms that she placed my brother and me in harm’s way by not subjecting us to the recommended inoculations. However, her strong maternal instinct prevailed; she believed only in natural ways of developing resistance to disease.

When we eventually did experience some of the typical childhood illnesses, she told us that this was a necessary part of developing natural immunity, and we had no reason to believe otherwise. Neither my brother nor I have ever suffered from an infectious disease in over five decades, except for coming down with an occasional cold.”


“Just because it is legal to poison the population one shot a time, it doesn’t make it safe. The most safe and effective way to fight infections, including the flu, is to prevent it. There is no substitute for a health-increasing regimen.”


“Like medicine, modern society too is going the super-specialty way. Tasks at work have become so complex that they need to be broken down into simpler units. Thus we need specialists or super-specialists for each aspect of each task, whether it is the world of finance, information technology, fashion, film-making, and even cooking!”


“Naturally acquired immunity indeed provides lifelong immunity while vaccines do not.”


“Not just schools but colleges too mandate that applicants should take booster shots against certain diseases, even simple childhood diseases such as measles, chickenpox and mumps. Just like schools, collegians are another captive population that guarantees a ready market for vaccine-makers.”


“Somewhere down the line, drug companies themselves discovered – and tried to cover up the fact – that vaccine-induced immunity (as measured by the mere presence of antibodies, which is not sufficient to protect against disease), often lasts about a decade, and sometimes for as little as two years, depending on the vaccine.”


“The human body is made up of around 70 percent water and we, like all other species, are creatures of the earth. But modern urban lifestyles, which most of us treasure and even exalt, have taken us so far from nature that many of us forget where we came from and our umbilical connection with the planet.”


“The pharmaceutical companies producing seasonal flu vaccines seem to have a more powerful effect on the population than the scientists who invented them. As early as 1980, Dr Albert Sabin, one of the world’s leading virologists and a pioneer of the polio vaccine, spoke vehemently against the use of the flu vaccine, claiming that it was unnecessary for over 90 percent of the population. This, however, has not discouraged the vaccination industry to endorse vaccination for all in the name of health and protection against disease.

What makes matters worse is that there has never been a properly controlled clinical trial with the flu vaccine. Because we don’t know anything about its long-term effects, we may be unknowingly producing generations of people with debilitated immune systems and chronic diseases.”


“The starting point to living healthy and happily begins with the question: are you in tune with your inner self, your surroundings and the universe at large? The answer to health or to ill-health on the flipside, lies in the answer to that singular question.”


“They invented ‘booster’ vaccines, whose name implied that this toxic cocktail ‘turbo-charged’ the original vaccine. In reality, a booster is nothing but more of the same – another dose of the same vaccine. Hence, if you take a ‘booster’, you’re actually being vaccinated against the same disease twice!”


“We tend to live in a cocooned world, overstimulating ourselves with work, entertainment and other forms of stress, and still expect to be healthy and happy. Even ‘time’ is dissected and fragmented to an extreme. Which is why we have ‘work time’, ‘family time’, ‘quality time’, ‘free time’, ‘no time’, and so many other types of ‘time’. It boggles the mind!”


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“Fermentation and sprouting are crucial for one simple reason: Plants didn’t evolve with the idea that they should be good to eat. In fact, plants spend a great deal of energy thwarting overzealous grazers and other creatures that would gladly eat them into oblivion.

Not as helpless as they may seem, plants protect their foliage, stems, seeds, roots, and to a lesser degree even their fruits, with natural insecticides and bitter toxins that make some plants unsafe for human consumption.”

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