Andrew Tate Quotes Page 6
Books by Andrew Tate
Best 387 Quotes by Andrew Tate – Page 6 of 13
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“A lone wolf’s goal is survival. A pack’s goal is to thrive.”
“A well played game of chess is the sign of a gentleman. An expertly played game of chess is the sign of a psychopath.”
“All of life's important lessons come from being broke. The best thing you can hope for as a head start for a child are; good parents and no money. If you have those two things you're gonna be alright.”
“Anyone of you with any aspirations for anything greater than a glorified farm animal, you are running out of time. Every second that ticks, your chance of success diminishes.”
“Anyone who’s not been 'cancelled' is an agent of the matrix and a rat. Remember that when you watch their videos.”
“Anyone with a working brain can see and understand that feminism is basically an anti-male agenda being propagated, further dividing the peons.
We all know, removing the father can affect the community. The community affects the city. The city affects the state.
Do the rest.”
“As a man you are born with no intrinsic value. You have to earn it.”
“As a woman, flooding your man with love is a guaranteed way to keep him. As a man, flooding your woman with love is sure to lose her.
She wants a super hero. That must be built, it’s time intensive. Flooding her with love wastes all of your time.”
“At the heart of every weak man is self-pity. Longing for strength they don't have. Too weak to build it. Hating those who have it.
It's impossible for a weak man to be truly happy within himself. It's biological and evolutionary. Strength is happiness.”
“Avoid the easily tricked. Those that obey what they are told without thinking for themselves.
They'll be the first to turn on you in a police interview.
Betrayal is certain. And betrayal is betrayal, wether they were 'tricked' into it or not.”
“Be selectively dishonest.”
“Before taking any action, adhere to rule 1: Do not die!
I read about a man who survived a shipwreck and swam four days to shore.
'I can do that!'
Some chick: 'No you couldn't!'
'What's the f*cking alternative? Die? Of course I'd f*cking swim.'
She was annoying. Still banged her.”
“Begin your day with 'I get to' not 'I have to'.
We often dress our opportunities as stress, when they’re in fact blessings.
I get to go to work. As opposed to I have to go to work.
At least you have a job. Feeling productive is beautiful. Etc.”
“Being 'chill' is only admirable if you can go from 0 to murder in the blink of an eye.
I’m chill. People want me to stay that way.
Chill without the capability for violence means being 'chill' isn’t a choice. A pathetic state of non aggression for survival.”
Products by Andrew Tate
“Being broke, unconnected and weak should bother you deep inside. And only once it deeply bothers you, you will truly attempt to fix it.”
“Being rich is better than you even imagine it to be. The idea that rich people are unhappy is nonsense propagated to prevent revolts of the poor.
How can more options and fewer concerns about how you survive make you less happy? Absolute logic fail.”
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“My first wife was a brunette, and Barbi Benton, my major romantic relationship of the early 1970s, was a brunette. But since the end of my marriage, all of my girlfriends have been blonds.”
“Belief gives power. Depression isn’t real. Just like all of your worries aren’t real. It is your belief which makes them real.”
“Broke people try to make money because they want to buy things. Rich people try to make money because they want to meet people.
Understand there is a reason a millionaire wants to be a billionaire. It’s about people and power, not junk from Walmart.”
“Cowards die a thousand deaths, a brave man only one.
Stand against mediocrity. Fight brainwashing.”
“Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.”
“Depression is the lack of the ability to mentally construct a future.”
“Destroy your enemy completely or ignore as if they don't exist.
Make the correct decision and complete absolutely.
Inbetweens do not punish a perpetrator yet still affords them your attention. In this scenario they win.
Select and fulfil an extreme.”
“Do not pray to ask for things. Pray to say thank you for what you already have.”
“Do you think the rules are made in your best interest? Or the best interest of the people who made the rules?”
“Don't play rich to impress women. Play broke to test them.”
“Don’t complain about issues to your girl. She can only feign sympathy and offer zero assistance while secretly wishing you were stronger.”
“Dorks believe in philosophy. Men believe in action.”
“Energy can not be destroyed. Only converted. Changed.
You feel despair? Your mind can’t rest? You can’t sleep?
You possess unlimited power. You’re lucky. Despair has blessed you.
How do you use it? Self destruction or world conquest?”
Products by Andrew Tate
“Every single person who got the vaccine is a coward or a moron.
Too p*ssy to say no = coward
Thought they needed it = moron
If you have the injection, choose which one you are. No exceptions. It’s that simple.”
“Everything you want to attain in life is possible. It is at the top of the mountain. You must earn it and work for it. Nothing is given, and nothing earned is withheld.”
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“The gig economy is empowerment. This new business paradigm empowers individuals to better shape their own destiny and leverage their existing assets to their benefit.”
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