Andrew Tate Quotes
Books by Andrew Tate
Best 54 Instagram post Quotes by Andrew Tate – Page 1 of 2
Instagram post Quotes
“A ghost cannot haunt you if you don't believe in ghosts. You'd simply walk around your 'haunted' house like a champion, ignoring the knocks in the night, attributing them to wind. Who cares?
It's only the believers who suffer fear. Belief gives power.”
“A man must physically protect his woman. But a woman must spiritually protect her man. She must bring positivity and joy.”
“Absolutely every single one of my actions is intentional. Divine purpose.
If your day is full of mindless action, you act without thought. This is how they train you for slavery.
I can not be led blindly. Do you understand?”
“Arrogance breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure.”
“Arrogance is the cause of most first world poverty.”
“Aspire to be a superhero. Not a normal person with a bigger house and nicer car. You can have 10M right now but if your wife is average, no powerful brothers to call on and you're physically weak, you're just a rich loser, instead of a poor one. Money is not the goal, power is.”
“Chess is life.
The King's limited movement in Chess represents limitations in life as a man. A Queen has unlimited movement because of her beauty.
Party on a yacht? You gotta earn it. One square at a time. A queen just jumps on the board.”
“Cost is the enemy of the poor man, so the poor try to save money.
Time is the enemy of the rich man, so the rich try to save time.”
“Cowardice is bred into poor people. It ensures poverty by dulling their appetite for risk.”
“Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is.
If you cannot force yourself to do something you don't want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?”
“Do not miss the forest for the trees. Every action you take is molding who you are as a person. Every time you sleep in, every time you are undisciplined, you are training yourself that it's okay. A downward spiral to mediocrity.”
“Find a person who is as successful as you'd like to be, ask them what to do, do it and work hard.”
“Fitness experts, political experts, money experts, dating experts. All losers. Only the combination can save you.
I am the only complete man. I have it all. A knight means nothing without the bishops and rooks. You must have everything. You must be a professional.”
“Get important people to recognize your face. That's your way out.”
Products by Andrew Tate
“Have you ever seen a man lose hope? It's absolutely heartbreaking when it happens instantly.
When it happens slowly, over a lifetime, it's far less dramatic. Some would even call it... normal.”
“Have you taken advantage of the few things you actually control? Or still hoping to just get lucky?”
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“Where you are now in life is the sum of the decisions you’ve made.”
“How many actually rich people are you speaking to daily? None? One? That is what will actually save you from a slave's existence. Rewire your brain.”
“I don’t have food in the morning. I don’t like the idea of breakfast, waking up from sleep with instantly available food that you didn’t have to hunt and kill. Breakfast breeds arrogance and laziness. I will not eat until work has been done. Instead, I start my day with hunger and memories.”
“I find that very few men really want freedom. They'd rather play it safe. And take the highest hourly wage they can get their hands on. Hoping that will make them rich when the math clearly doesn't add up.”
“I got rich on purpose. I got strong on purpose. I became a champion on purpose. Absolutely nothing was an accident.
You’re hoping and waiting. That’s a dream.
I had a plan. Not dreams.”
“I have a coffee and a daydream for breakfast. By lunch I’ve made a plan. By dinner the dream has come true.”
“I hope crypto never goes up again so people need to somehow contribute to society to get rich. Crypto 'traders' provide absolutely zero solutions to any single world issue – just sitting and praying for completely free unearned resources.
Learn to code!”
“If you're known as crazy. Your life is going to go one of two ways. Absolute success, or the absolute bottom. But you can rest assured you most likely won't end up average like the rest.”
“It's who you know that makes what you know important.”
“Listen to rich people. It's that simple.”
“Most of you believe that your job and some half-assed investing will lead you to financial freedom. You're trying to force a square peg into a round hole.”
“Most of you have been down so long that getting up hasn't crossed your mind.”
“Most successful people didn't enjoy doing what made them successful. However, they enjoyed being good at whatever they were doing.
Why do something and not try? Why do something and not be the best?
Winners understand this. Losers do not.”
Products by Andrew Tate
“My dad always used to say 'outstanding in the rain' as opposed to simply 'outstanding' when he was impressed.
I asked him: Dad, why the rain?
And he replied: Son, any jackass can perform when the sun is shining.”
“Raw action solves everything. Caution breeds fear.”
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“If your man let's you...
- do OnlyFans
- stay on birth control
- go on vacation without him
- make your own decisions without consulting him first
- be a 'girl boss'
He doesn't love you.”
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