Andrii Sedniev Quotes

Best Quotes by Andrii Sedniev

Insane Energy for Lazy People Quotes

“Always have a desirable goal in front of you and take massive action to make progress towards this goal as fast as possible.”

Insane Energy for Lazy People

“Happiness is the emotion of progress towards a desirable goal.”

Insane Energy for Lazy People

“It's important to understand that happiness isn't related to actually achieving a goal but it's related to making progress towards a goal.”

Insane Energy for Lazy People

“The only thing that can bring happiness steadily and long term is regular progress towards a desirable goal.”

Insane Energy for Lazy People

“You can't increase the amount of hours in a day but you can increase the quality of these hours by raising your energy level.”

Insane Energy for Lazy People

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“If you spend too much on your enjoyment today, you may have to sell your essential belongings tomorrow, but if you invest in essential assets today you will surely be able to purchase more than basic amenities tomorrow.”

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