Antonio García Martinez Quotes

Best 25 Quotes by Antonio García Martinez

“If the world really does end, there aren't going to be many places to run.”

“The harsh reality is this: to have influence in the world, you need to be willing and able to reward your friends and punish your enemies.”

“The monumental hubris of assuming that the cure for our social ills lies in some as-yet uninvented future, rather than some forgotten past.”

Chaos Monkeys Quotes

“A 'pivot' is supposed to recall a ballerina’s demi détourné, a delicate change of course as graceful as it (hopefully) seems intentional. In reality, a startup’s pivot is a panicked sprint comparable to that of a Titanic passenger who’s spotted the last open life raft.”

Chaos Monkeys

“All ambitious men want either to please their fathers or to punch them in the goddamned face.”

Chaos Monkeys

“As in life, so in business: maintain a bias for action over inaction.”

Chaos Monkeys

“By itself, genius can produce original thoughts just as little as a woman by herself can bear children. Outward circumstances must come to fructify genius, and be, as it were, a father to its progeny.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Cynicism is the last refuge of the shiftless.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Dedication to all my enemies: I could not have done it without you.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Don’t work for the survivors or architects of massacres. You’ll live just long enough to regret it.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Every Jobs has his Wozniak.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Have a mad vision, and you’re a kook. Get a crowd to believe in it as well, and you’re a leader.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Ideas without implementation, or without an exceptional team to implement them, are like *ssholes and opinions: everyone’s got one.”

Chaos Monkeys

“If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.”

Chaos Monkeys

“It’s not the rats who first abandon a sinking ship. It’s the crew members who know how to swim.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Marketing is like sex: only losers pay for it.”

Chaos Monkeys

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“The death knell for any enterprise is to glorify the past - no matter how good it was.”

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“Men with nothing to lose will stop at nothing to win.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Most managers are incompetent and maintain their jobs via inertia and politics.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Real-life experience is instructive, but the tuition is high.”

Chaos Monkeys

“Startups are experiments in group psychology. As CEO, you’re both the therapist leader, and the patient most in need of therapy.”

Chaos Monkeys

“The classic sign of a shitty startup idea is that it requires at least two (or more!) miracles to succeed.”

Chaos Monkeys

“The post-Enlightenment man living in a liberal democracy believes he has a right to an opinion; post-Facebook, he also believes he has a right to his own reality.”

Chaos Monkeys

“The secret of great fortunes without apparent cause is a forgotten crime, as the crime was properly done.”

Chaos Monkeys

“There’s a cliché in the Valley that doing a startup is like jumping off a cliff and building an airplane on the way down. How high the cliff is and how much time you have before death are a pure function of how much money you’ve raised. In our case, someone was also shooting at us with an antiaircraft battery.”

Chaos Monkeys

“To quote one Valley sage, if your idea is any good, it won’t get stolen, you’ll have to jam it down people’s throats instead.”

Chaos Monkeys

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“When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place. So, what we view our role as, is giving people that power.”

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