Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes Page 5


Best 143 Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger – Page 5 of 5

Total Recall Quotes

“My vision of where I wanted to go in life was not normal. The whole idea of a conventional existence was like Kryptonite to me.”

Total Recall

“No matter what you do in life, you have to have a business mind and educate yourself about money.”

Total Recall

“Often it's easier to make a decision when you don't know as much, because then you can't overthink. If you know too much, it can freeze you. The whole deal looks like a minefield.”

Total Recall

“People were always talking about how few performers there are at the top of the ladder, but I was always convinced there was room for one more. I felt that, because there was so little room, people got intimidated and felt more comfortable staying on the bottom of the ladder. But, in fact, the more people that think that, the more crowded the bottom of the ladder becomes!”

Total Recall

“Sometimes being spontaneous and jumping on an opportunity is the only way you can see art being made.”

Total Recall

“Sports are so physical that it's easy to overlook the mind's power, but I've seen it demonstrated again and again.”

Total Recall

“Stallone and I had been feuding for years. This went back to the early Rocky and Rambo days, when he was the number one action hero, and I was always trying to catch up. I remember saying to Maria when I made Conan the Destroyer, “I’m finally getting paid a million dollars for a movie, but now Stallone’s making three million. I feel like I’m standing still.” To energize myself, I’d envisioned Stallone as my archenemy, just like I had demonized bodybuilder Sergio Oliva when I was trying to take the Mr. Olympia crown. I got so into hating Sly that I started criticizing him in public – his body, the way he dressed – and I was quoted as badmouthing him in the press.”

Total Recall

“The difference between those who adapted and those who didn't, Gorton said, was a willingness to totally commit.”

Total Recall

“The more knowledge you have, the more you’re free to rely on your instincts.”

Total Recall

“The more you do it, the more automatic it becomes, and the less effort it takes.”

Total Recall

“The more you know, the less you tend to do something.”

Total Recall

“The only way to make the possible possible is to try the impossible. If you fail, so what? That's what everybody expects. But if you succeed, you make the world a much better place.”

Total Recall

“The years with Barbara taught me a great lesson: how having a good relationship can enrich your life.”

Total Recall

“There are no shortcuts - everything is reps, reps, reps.”

Total Recall

“Training was all I could think about. One Sunday when I found the stadium locked, I broke in and worked out in the freezing cold. Every painful set, every extra rep, was a step toward my goal of winning.”

Total Recall

“We realized that if you wanted a girl, you had to make an effort to have a conversation, not just drool like a horny dog. You had to establish a comfort level.”

Total Recall

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“What is the point of being on this Earth if you are going to be like everyone else?”

Total Recall

“Whenever I finished filming a movie, I felt my job was only half done. Every film had to be nurtured in the marketplace. You can have the greatest movie in the world, but if you don’t get it out there, if people don’t know about it, you have nothing.”

Total Recall

“You can overthink anything. There are always negatives.”

Total Recall

“You have to build the ultimate physical machine, but also the ultimate mind.”

Total Recall

“You work, you make the money, and then you can afford this car; you train and then you win championships. There was no shortcut; you earned it.”

Total Recall

“You'll get more from being a peacemaker than a warrior.”

Total Recall

Twins Quotes

“I don’t know what the problem is, but I’m sure it can be solved without resorting to violence.”


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