Aubrey Andelin Quotes
Best 39 Quotes by Aubrey Andelin – Page 1 of 2
“A half-hearted effort nets nothing in satisfaction.”
“Evil in any format diminishes manhood.”
“God's forgiveness of you will be measured as you are willing to forgive others.”
“Going the second mile is the way a man lightens his burdens and learns to enjoy his responsibility.”
“Growth comes through adversity and difficulties – not through the pursuit of the easy life.”
“It is impossible to have a feeling of well-being without assuming the burdens that are ours.”
“Marriage is the greatest field for personal development.”
“One who is youthful has a mind open to new ideas.”
Man of Steel and Velvet Quotes
“A man's most important responsibility in life is to be the guide, protector and provider for his wife and children.
This is not merely a result of custom or tradition, but is of divine origin.”
“A man’s most important responsibility in life is to be the guide, protector and provider for his wife and children.”
“A self-confident man believes in his ability or competency and does not have undue barriers or feelings of inadequacy.”
“A woman’s security does not lie in the money her partner earns. She finds it in him as a person of character and dependability.”
“Alcohol is numbing the minds of our nation's population so that it is impossible for them to be directed by conscience, or to think clearly through problems or discern correct principles.
This has led to a weakening of standards. The most serious weakness is 'immorality' (sex without marriage), which stands as the number one threat to destroy us.
The greatest problem in our country is not poverty nor international strive, but immorality.
We have only to look at the downfall of great nations to see the spiral downward when immorality is rampant.”
“Although we have an abundant food supply, it is grown on deficient soil that has been robbed of vital elements and contaminated by pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
In addition, we have polluted our water systems and air. All of these things stand as a threat to the physical well-being of our population.”
“Compromising is never considered good practice in leadership.”
“Courageous men are not afraid to appear foolish in the eyes of others. They do what is right and let the consequences follow.”
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“Climate change policies do nothing in practice except to restrict the movement and self reliance of the poorer classes.”
“He who rules within himself and rules his passions, desires and fears is more than a king.”
“In every case of proving love there is an element of sacrifice. There must be some extra effort given, something one goes without, some trouble in attaining the object of proven love.
It also requires being sensitive to her needs, her desires, deep feelings and even whims.”
“In spite of the sanctity of marriage there is a threatening trend today to do away with it.”
“In the ideal home the man will also do the necessary worrying about money.”
“In the ideal home the man's and woman's duties are distinctly divided. There is little overlap except in emergencies.
Not only does this follow divine command, but also logic and reason. Every group of beings must be organized to avoid chaos.
This consists of delegating duties to each member, making each accountable for his assignments. A family is a small organization and thus must also follow this pattern.”
“It is a most interesting study to consider the very close tie between the things material and spiritual.
Gross distortion results when the proper balance is not maintained.”
“Moral courage is to do what is right, even in the face of criticism, humiliation, or personal disadvantage.”
“No success in life can compensate for this failure in the home. The home is the most basic unit of society.”
“Only a man who recognizes his fallibility can become an effective leader.”
“Perhaps the most frightening problem in society is the loss of faith in government.
Our country is not as it was when founded by brave and valiant men. Freedom is fast disappearing and being replaced by socialism.
People are being brought into bondage through oppressive taxation and dependence on government.”
“Self-mastery is the means whereby we apply knowledge of basic principles, overcome weakness, conquer appetites and passions, and devote ourselves to duty and reach our objectives.”
“Some serious students of the subject advise that one should not eat after 4:00 p.m.”
“The greatest source of solutions is often the last to be tried.
God, who is the fountainhead of truth and consequently knowledge has said, 'Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Ask and ye shall receive.'
This is a definite and straightforward promise to all who will study God's word and ask in faith. If one's purpose is single to the end of doing good, the plea to God for insight will not be denied.
Knowledge from God may come as something completely new to you, direct inspiration, or it may be a recollection of information already known.”
“The ideal leader assumes the position as head of the family as a sacred responsibility. He takes pride in this masculine role, does not set it aside or turn it over to others.
He has a keen feeling of responsibility for his place as a leader, realizing that it is one of his most important functions in life. He serves patiently, with dedication and devotion.”
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“When the student is ready, the teacher appears. When questions are asked, answers come.
When we are truly ready to receive, what we need will be available. When Venusians are ready to receive, Martians are ready to give.”
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