Bedros Keuilian Quotes Page 2
Best 43 Quotes by Bedros Keuilian – Page 2 of 2
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“Stop procrastinating, researching, and forever planning, and just start doing the damn thing!
Imperfect action will trump a perfect plan. Every damn day!”
“Stop the negative self-talk and become your number-one advocate!”
“Success in business and in life isn’t rocket science. But most people will make it out to be so that they can justify their poor position in life.”
“Success loves speed. Over-planning is another form of procrastination.”
“The highest level leadership is self-leadership.
If you can’t lead yourself to better health, relationships, or finances how do you expect anyone to want to follow you?”
“The most underestimated habitual trait that can compound results and time collapse desired outcome is consistency.
Consistently doing the work while your competition takes the day off, slows down, stops and restarts is what puts you ahead by miles and millions in just a few short years.”
“The quality of your life is determined by the thoughts that occupy your mind.”
“We don’t gain wisdom with age alone. We gain wisdom with age and experience.”
“When investing in yourself, the state of the economy doesn't matter.
Because investing in yourself is always a bull market strategy.”
“You get what you tolerate. Never tolerate mediocrity.”
“You have way more control of your personal income, health, happiness, family, values and freedom than you give yourself credit for.
But it starts with personal responsibility.”
“Your body is a direct reflection of your mindset and self worth.”
“Your demeanor, your conduct, your vibe – it all matters in business.”
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