Ben Affleck Quotes Page 3
Best 79 Quotes by Ben Affleck – Page 3 of 3
“The first thing that I really understood politically and was old enough to get was the failed assassination attempt on Reagan.”
“The one benefit of having done all kinds of movies as an actor is, you learn the pros and cons of being tempted to do a really big movie because it costs a lot of money.”
“The trap for an actor is that you become too successful at what you’re trying to do, and you can find yourself stuck there.”
“The value of work, and of always learning something new, and what it takes to achieve excellence. I really believe in those things that you have to dedicate yourself and spend time, that excellence is elusive. It’s a little maddening, to try to have that level of discipline in your life, and I don’t succeed all the time. But I do try.”
“There is nothing worse that a thirteen-year-old boy. You're embarrassed by your parents, and you're trying to find your independance because, deep inside, you are so dependent on your mom.”
“There's a lot of crazy, weird people out there. It's an ugly world.”
“There's a lot of noise in the world, and the Internet magnifies that energy.”
“There’s something really great and romantic about being poor and sleeping on couches.”
“They say money can’t buy happiness? Look at the f**king smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby.”
“To answer the question, though: I didn't always want to direct. I just liked the idea of it. If a friend was making a short and needed someone who knew screen direction, I would jump in. It would be horrible, but it led to a short, then another, and another. It was like student films.”
“Well I've never used that phrase before, but yes she is bootylicious.”
“What happens is this sort of bleed-over from the tabloids across your movie work. You go to a movie, you only go once. But the tabloids and Internet are everywhere. You can really subsume the public image of somebody.”
“When I look up at the screen and see myself I always have to laugh. Not because I think I'm doing a horrible job, quite the contrary, I just feel it's so surreal to feel like one person can entertain so many at one time.”
“When I watch a guy I know is a big Republican, part of me thinks I probably wouldn't like this person if I met him, or we would have different opinions.”
“Yes, I'm going to be the President of the United States. You know why? You think you can get chicks by being in the movies? You can really get chicks by being the President.”
“You have to look also to the media, where you have a vast majority of the loudest and most influential political voices in America media from people who came from the entertainment world.”
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“A wrong connection will give you shock throughout your life, but the right one will light up your life.”
“You know George M. Steinbrenner III is the center of all evil in the universe.”
“You wasted $150,000 on an education you could have got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.”
“You're basically the sum of all the experiences you've ever had, and they're sort of shaken up in you and reproduced in the things you create, and that includes seeing movies.”