Benjamin P. Hardy Quotes Page 2


Best 54 Quotes by Benjamin P. Hardy – Page 2 of 2

Personality Isn't Permanent Quotes

“You earn your confidence through intentional action toward meaningful goals. You can only borrow so much confidence from the distant past.”

Personality Isn't Permanent

Slipstream Time Hacking Quotes

“A person choosing to spend large portions of time in an unsatisfying job in order to make ends meet is on a fast track to his deathbed. Time will move increasingly faster as a result of his slow pace—the relativity of time.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“In a non-linear and relative world, each person is empowered to change the course and meaning of their life completely. That change only takes an instant; it is a leap through a wormhole.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“In a single moment, a person can choose to change everything. Change doesn’t have to take a long time, it happens the instant we decide.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“In our world with limitless options, limitless books to read, limitless clothes to wear, limitless paths to take, it is extremely important to be picky. Excess is a suppressant to abundance. Excess represents the broad path which most people travel. With too many clothes in their closets and too many competing priorities, paralysis by analysis is at an extreme.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“It is the responsibility of each person to choose their destinations as well as the pathways and pace involved in reaching those destinations. Ultimately, we create our own universe.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Nobody achieves the impossible without thinking they can.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Sadly, people today not only spend the time they have, they also spend away their futures. To accrue debt is to sell away our future time.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Slowing time is truly a matter of quality more than quantity. The destination a person is traveling toward must be intrinsically desirable.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Start living today with that picture of your own 80th birthday clearly in mind. In that picture, you will find your definition of true success.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Take bigger leaps. Yes, quit your job if it’s holding you back. Put yourself in a position where failure can’t be an option. In order to do that, you have to have something that truly moves and motivates you.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“The purest way to gift time is by being physically and emotionally present.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“There are three distinct requirements for personal freedom:
1) a heart at peace,
2) healthy relationships, and
3) upright character.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“What good is money when you don’t have time?”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“When the goal is merely to “get through” the day as quickly as possible, life will pass full of regrets. Time becomes the great taskmaster when it should be the liberator. His time is endured rather than enjoyed. He is often late and constantly missing the moments that matter most—caught in the vacuum of time-acceleration toward death without any perceived way of slowing it down.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

“Wormholes are everywhere. The most ridiculous life-changing opportunities are available to everyone. Sadly, most of them go unnoticed.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

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“You could live more life in one congruent day than many people live their entire lives.”

Slipstream Time Hacking

Willpower Doesn't Work Quotes

“Carol Dweck, a prominent Stanford psychologist, has found that people who believe their intelligence is fixed and unchanging have a very difficult time learning. The moment these people experience any form of difficulty or negative feedback, they mentally break and give up. Conversely, people who believe their intelligence is fluid and malleable are far more likely to grow and change. They are clay that can be transformed through experience, especially challenging and new experiences.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“Pain, discomfort, shock, boredom, impostor syndrome, awkwardness, fear, being wrong, failing, ignorance, looking stupid: Your avoidance of these feelings is stopping you from a life greater than your wildest imagination. These are the feelings that accompany a life of success. And yet, these are the very feelings most often avoided. They are avoided because, as stated previously, most people have developed an extreme avoidance orientation toward life.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“Success isn’t that difficult; it merely involves taking twenty steps in a singular direction. Most people take one step in twenty directions.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“The belief that you cannot change leads to a victim mentality. If you are determined by nature to be what you are, then there is nothing you can do about your lot in life. Conversely, the belief that you can change leads you to take responsibility for your life. You may have been born with certain constraints, but you can change those constraints, allowing yourself to improve and grow.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“When you do the same things over and over and in the same environments, it’s easy to zone out. Your brain isn’t being required to assimilate new information into its existing model. You’re not being challenged by necessity to figure things out. Hence Napoleon Hill has said, “A good shock often helps the brain that has been atrophied by habit.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“You shape the garden of your mind by planting specific things from your environment, such as the books you read, experiences you have, and people you surround yourself with.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

“Your behavior doesn’t come from your personality. Rather, your personality is shaped by your behavior. When you act a certain way, you then judge yourself based on your actions. Hence, you can quickly alter your identity simply by altering your behavior.”

Willpower Doesn't Work

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“You likely have subtle limiting beliefs keeping you stuck in the cult of comfort. At one point you worked past your discomfort to get where you are, but the longer you settled, the more you became detached from your life mission, and the more you got lulled by your current success or comfort.”

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