Bill Donahue Quotes

Best 7 Quotes by Bill Donahue

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”

The Irresistible Community Quotes

“A culture of forgiveness makes any community irresistible.”

The Irresistible Community

“As we mature we realize that in order to embrace everyone at the table, we must be willing to release the grip on our personal agenda and see what is best for the community.”

The Irresistible Community

“Communities flourish when a spirit of give-and-take characterizes discussions, decision making, and goal setting.”

The Irresistible Community

“It must grieve the Holy Spirit when a group or a family or a church communicates 'not welcome' to those who desperately long for a place at the table.”

The Irresistible Community

“Strive for progress, not perfection.”

The Irresistible Community

“When we trust, we reflect the character of God.”

The Irresistible Community

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


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