Billy Connolly Quotes

Best Billy Connolly's Route 66 Quotes by Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly's Route 66 Quotes

“I think of my life as a series of moments and I've found that the great moments often don't have too much to them. They're not huge, complicated events; they're just magical wee moments when somebody says 'I love you' or 'You're a really good at what you do' or simply 'You're a good person'.”

Billy Connolly's Route 66

“If you give people a chance, they shine.”

Billy Connolly's Route 66

“Life is supposed to be fun. It's not a job or occupation. We're here only once and we should have a bit of a laugh.”

Billy Connolly's Route 66

“So I'm on a little one-man crusade to bring the obituary closer to the front of the paper. Let's sing a bit louder about the unsung.

Rather than spending all our time watching stupid people doing stupid things and being filmed by other stupid people on reality TV shows, why don't we spend a few minutes each day reading about good people doing good things?

I'm not being a hippy. It's just that we've got to improve ourselves as a species or we are absolutely doomed.”

Billy Connolly's Route 66

“What horrifies me most about war memorials is that no anti-war sentiments are ever displayed.

It's as if war is fun or noble, when actually it's all about sh*t and snot and blood and guts and soldiers stomachs hanging out and people with their faces blown off. But they never showed that side of it. Perhaps, if they did, there'd be less of it.

I remember seeing a picture of a soldier in Vietnam who was sitting, waiting to die, with his jaw missing. His head now started at the top row of teeth; everything beneath that was gone.

They didn't put that on the recruitment posters, did they? But that's what war is to me. And I don't care who we're fighting, I don't hate them enough to do something like that to them.”

Billy Connolly's Route 66

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“When a girl's a screamer during sex, she's either positive or negative. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" or the complete opposite, "No! No! No!"

Just once, I want to hear a girl right in the middle: Maybe! Maybe! Maybe!”

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