Brendan Fraser Quotes Page 2


Best 51 Quotes by Brendan Fraser – Page 2 of 2

“I'm just glad that I have bragging rights to working with Bugs and Daffy.”

“I'm starting to judge success by the time I have for myself, the time I spend with family and friends. My priorities aren't amending; they're shifting.”

“I've been grateful enough, smart enough to take the work with Ian McKellen in Gods And Monsters.”

“Ian McKellen is brilliant with research. I paid really close attention to the sources he goes to. He's a very, very intelligent man.”

“If you run an Internet search on Vietnam and the war, most of the information you get begins at about 1962. I think this is telling. It is missing the whole period that led up to the reasons the war happened in the first place.”

“In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass.”

“It's nice to know that if you've worked really hard at something, it gets recognised with a tick in the success column – however you define that, be it making a bunch of dough, which the actors never see much of, or whether it's a piece that's enlightening or stays with the audience maybe six, seven or even eight or 10 years later.”

“Maybe my caveman ancestors invented the wheel or something. I'm not sure.”

“Most people go, I wish for world peace. But chaos has a place in balancing out the light and the dark in the world. I don't know if I would wish for world peace.”

“Of course I was a dork, but that's OK. Because all the coolest people I know were dorks.”

“Saigon is hot, full of atmosphere, activity, and commerce.”

“The dimensionality of 3D, the depth of field, the dynamism... it's an immersive experience. And on top of that it's great because the new glasses don't make you want to throw up and they don't give you paper cuts!”

“The other day, when my 4-year-old saw a flowering tree and said, "Daddy, it's raining petals," that was poetry that just melted my heart into a mushy, yummy Fudgsicle.”

“The test audience holds a great deal of power in the process of filmmaking in the United States.”

“They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it?”

“To swing or not to swing? Swing.”

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“Nature doesn't need people - people need nature; nature would survive the extinction of the human being and go on just fine, but human culture, human beings, cannot survive without nature.”

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“What if Shakespeare had had a test audience for Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet?”

“When you throw punches at actors, you stop, you pull it, and it looks like you pulled it. When you throw punches at cartoon characters, they are not there, so you can swing through. It looks like you really decked them.”

“While green-screen work, find a way to stay true to whatever it is that it takes to act a scene out, and make sure that you use your imagination as best as you possibly can, still stay loose, and still allow yourself the liberty of doing what you need to do as an actor, and then work within the confines of what is actually possible.”

“You can't see any movie nowadays really without it having some sort of CGI treatment, albeit whether it's a creature or an environment, something like that. To make a point, sort of poetically in that case, but clearly it was a drama and how do you approach it? Well, I think what you're supposed to do is what the text dictates. What you bring to it and everything you need to know should be there, and pay attention to your director.”

“You should do everything as if it's the last time you might ever do it. Because, you know, it may be.”
