Brian Weiss Quotes Page 3


Best 147 Quotes by Brian Weiss – Page 3 of 5

Many Lives, Many Masters Quotes

“The reward is in doing, but doing without expecting anything, doing unselfishly.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“The steady day-in and day-out pounding of undermining influences, such as a parent’s scathing criticisms, could cause even more psychological trauma than a single traumatic event. These damaging influences, because they blend into the everyday background of our lives, are even more difficult to remember and exorcise.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“True science begins with observation.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We also must learn not to just go to those people whose vibrations are the same as ours. It is normal to feel drawn to somebody who is on the same level that you are. But this is wrong. You must also go to those people whose vibrations are wrong with yours. This is the importance in helping these people.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We are beyond life and death, beyond space and beyond time. We are the gods, and they are us.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We are frightfully concerned with our own deaths, sometimes so much so that we forget the real purpose of our lives.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We are given intuitive powers that we must obey without trying to resist. Those who resist will encounter dangers. We are not sent from each plane with equal powers. Some of us have greater powers than others, for we have acquired them in other times. Therefore, we are not all created equal. But with the passage of time we will reach a point where we will all be the same.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We choose when we will come into our physical state and when we will leave. We know when we have accomplished what we were sent down here to accomplish. We know when the time is up, and you will accept your death.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We have no right to abruptly halt peoples’ lives before they have lived out their karma. Every life is precious and should be treasured and protected. In future lives the violent must repay those they have harmed. The karmic consequences of violence are profound.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“We must accept what comes to us at a given time, and not ask for more. But life is endless, so we never die; we were never really born. We just pass through different phases. There is no end. Humans have many dimensions. But time is not as we see time, but rather in lessons that are learned.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“Wisdom is achieved very slowly. This is because intellectual knowledge, easily acquired, must be transformed into emotional, or subconscious, knowledge. Once transformed, the imprint is permanent. Behavioral practice is the necessary catalyst of this reaction. Without action, the concept will wither and fade. Theoretical knowledge without practical application is not enough.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

“You can get nothing more out of this lifetime. When you have had the time to rest and re-energize your soul, you are allowed to choose your re-entry back into the physical state. Those people who hesitate, who are not sure of their return here, they might lose the chance that was given them, a chance to fulfill what they must when they’re in physical state.”

Many Lives, Many Masters

Messages from the Masters Quotes

“A hard life is not a punishment, but rather an opportunity.”

Messages from the Masters

“All is love. With love comes understanding. With understanding comes patience. And then time stops. And everything is now.”

Messages from the Masters

“As the Christian mystics taught, you are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience.”

Messages from the Masters

“As we become aware of our spiritual nature, we recognize our true essence. We are immortal and divine. Renouncing violence, hate, dominance, selfishness, and ownership of people and things becomes even easier with this recognition. Accepting love, compassion, charity, hope, faith, and cooperation becomes the natural thing to do.”

Messages from the Masters

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“We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released”

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“Come from the heart, the true heart, not the head. When in doubt, choose the heart. This does not mean to deny your own experiences and that which you have empirically learned through the years. It means to trust your self to integrate intuition and experience. There is a balance, a harmony to be nurtured, between the head and the heart. When the intuition rings clear and true, loving impulses are favored.”

Messages from the Masters

“Denial, the act of not being aware of inner feelings and fears and motivations, is the opposite of mindfulness.”

Messages from the Masters

“Everything will be clear to you in time. But you must have a chance to digest the knowledge that we have given to you already.”

Messages from the Masters

“For example, we may have already mastered the course in compassion and charity, but we may only be beginners when it comes to patience or forgiveness. We may be graduate students in faith and hope, but kindergartners in anger or non-violence.”

Messages from the Masters

“Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing.”

Messages from the Masters

“Forgiving does not mean forgetting. It means understanding.”

Messages from the Masters

“If we let them, the children can show us the way out. There is a well-known story of a mother who walks into the room of her newborn son and finds her other son, a four-year-old boy, leaning out of his crib. "You have to tell me what heaven is like and what God is like" the boy implores his little brother - "I'm starting to forget!”

Messages from the Masters

“It is important to remember that karma is related to learning, not punishment. Our parents and everyone with whom we interact are endowed with free will. They can love us and help us, or hate us and hurt us. Your choice is not our karma. Your choice is a manifestation of your free will. They too are learning.”

Messages from the Masters

“It often turns out that events from the distant past continue to influence current relationships. Realizing the root causes of previous lives can serve to fix the present relationship.”

Messages from the Masters

“It's that simple. The kingdom of heaven is within us. Stop looking for gurus. Instead, find yourself. It won't be long before he finds his true home.”

Messages from the Masters

“Learn to see with your heart, not your eyes.”

Messages from the Masters

“Live in the present, not the past or the future. The past is over; learn from it and let it go. The future is not yet here. Plan for it, but do not worry. Worry only wastes your time and energy.”

Messages from the Masters

“Love and intimacy are at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing. I am not aware of any other factor in medicine — not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery — that has a greater impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness, and premature death from all causes.”

Messages from the Masters

“Love is not an intellectual process but rather a dynamic energy flowing into and through us at all times, whether we are aware of it or not. We must learn to receive love as well as to give. Only in community, only in relationships, only in service can we truly understand the all-encompassing energy of love.”

Messages from the Masters

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“I do believe that the single most important thing I could ever share with you with regard to maximizing the health, harmony, and happiness in your life can be summed up in just two words:

Love yourself.”

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