Brianna Wiest Quotes Page 4


Best 121 Quotes by Brianna Wiest – Page 4 of 5

The Pivot Year Quotes

“Self-protection is learning how to take a pause between what you feel and how you react.

When there is no awareness between what you perceive and the way that you respond, anything can control you.”

The Pivot Year

“The courage with which you enter today will become the fate that you meet tomorrow.”

The Pivot Year

“The journey is not how you place down what's weighing on you, but how you learn to stop picking it up.”

The Pivot Year

“There is great power in not knowing. Not knowing what is next, not knowing what to decide, not knowing how you will make it to where you know you want and need to be.”

The Pivot Year

“This is the perfect day to start your life again.”

The Pivot Year

“What feels on the surface like rejection is often redirection.”

The Pivot Year

“Whatever pain you think you are in right now cannot begin to compare to the peace that will one day come over you. It cannot begin to compare to the joy that you will one day know.

You will fall in love with life again, and it will be better than it was before, because you will become a different person.

You will become someone who is more capable of appreciating what matters, who will not be as reckless with their choices, who can no longer be so easily swayed or mindlessly trusting.

You will require a new level of integrity within your life, which will transpire into better boundaries and a more stable foundation.

You will strengthen in the most unexpected ways, and from that, your happiness will be even more sincere, even more apparent.

This will not happen overnight, though it will seem like it did in retrospect. Like the changing of a season, everything shifts slowly until all of a sudden, you are standing firmly in the after, in all you feared would never come.

You’re through it, but you’re different, because something also moved through you and cleared out what you didn’t even realize was standing in the way.”

The Pivot Year

“When you ask for a big life, you cannot keep fighting for a smaller one to stay.”

The Pivot Year

“When you do not know what is next, you enter the realm of infinite potential.”

The Pivot Year

“Will you continue to replay the memories of yesterday, or will you meet the moment and make the most of what is in front of you now?”

The Pivot Year

“Within you lies a great vision for your life, quieted over time by the world.

It is once again time to listen. It is once again time to live.”

The Pivot Year

“You cannot desire what you do not already contain. Desire is a projection outward that is proportionate to potential inward.”

The Pivot Year

“You tell life what you want, and life tells you how to get it.

When you ask for soulmate love, you must listen if life says, but not with them.

When you ask for prosperity, you must listen if life says, but not like this.

When you ask for belonging, you must listen if life says, but not here.

The Pivot Year

“You're not failing because you're not motivated. You're not supposed to get far on a path that was never yours to walk.”

The Pivot Year

The Truth About Everything Quotes

“If everything were explained, there would be nothing left to figure out.”

The Truth About Everything

“The way to stop hate is to stop hating. Be better. Never stop seeking the extraordinary. Never fail to forget your role as a creator of your own life.

You choose tomorrow, and you create what is. Make sure it’s what you want. Be happy. I love you. Find other people that love you as well. Be with them.”

The Truth About Everything

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“Truth arrives when you let go of your investment in the truth of every belief that you think is true.”

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“Whenever you feel hopeless, all you need to do is go outside and realize that you have been molded into human form for some reason.

You are somewhere you may never be again. Your actions, no matter how inconsequential you think they may be, have been essential.”

The Truth About Everything

Twitter post Quotes

“If you would like to change your life, you must first change the way you think about your life — there was never another way.”

Twitter post

“It is the courage to keep beginning that ultimately gets us all where we are meant to be.”

Twitter post

“Self-sabotage is when we are so obsessed with what we fear, we accidentally create the experience we don't want because we can't imagine anything more.”

Twitter post

“The person you become when you are on your own is a garden you will carry with you forever.

Use the quiet. Even if every single thing in your life works out exactly the way you want it to, you wake up with yourself every day.

You have to know who you want to be.”

Twitter post

“When we are committed to what we want, but flexible about how it comes, we open the door to miracles.”

Twitter post

“You are the most constant thing in your own life. Befriend yourself first. Invest in yourself first. Become yourself first. The rest will come together in time.”

Twitter post

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal Quotes

“And maybe in the end, the kindest possible thing you could do for yourself is to know that there is nothing that holds us back more than the important words that went unspoken, the deep instincts that went unfelt, the callings that went unanswered.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“Everything that is meant for you will feel like a deep exhale, as though you are returning home to a place you forgot existed.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“Healing is not so much a chapter in your story but changing the way you write the entire book.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“I hope you learn how to see your evolution not as a linear ascent into perfection, but an unpacking of why you might want to perfect yourself in the first place. What feels so broken? And who taught you it was that way?”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“I hope you will not allow this life to make you bitter. I hope you will not fight for your limitations more often than you do your potential. I hope you will never stop believing that a miracle is right around the corner, because it always is. I hope you will know that the willingness to believe in what may be is often the very path that brings it all forward.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“There is not just one version of you that exists. To some, you are the beauty standard. To others, you are easily overlooked. To some, you are a genius at your craft. To others, you are irrelevant. To some, you are an incredible friend. To others, you are a complete stranger.

To some, you are a life partner. To others, you are not someone they’d even date. To some, you are a teacher. To others, you are a student. To some, you are a guide. To others, you are a beginner. To some, you are a shining light. To others, you reveal their darkness.

The reality is that you exist in so many different forms and images and projections — and yet, the only one that is ever really going to matter is the way you see yourself.

Allow this knowing to free you. Allow it to help you see that maybe there is more dimension, more contrast, more nuance, and more goodness within you than you have ever allowed your-self to believe.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

“You have to start being kind to yourself. Kind in the way that you’re kind to a child, to someone or something so innocent and endlessly deserving of your affection and praise.”

When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal

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“The illuminated ones can take any form -- a man, a woman, a child, an elder, or even a dog. It is not inconsequential that the English language allows for the dyslexia of the spelling of the word dog: God spelled backward.”

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