Brianna Wiest Quotes

Books by Brianna Wiest


Best 41 The Mountain Is You Quotes by Brianna Wiest – Page 1 of 2

The Mountain Is You Quotes

“Everything in nature is imperfect, and it is because of that imperfection that growth is possible. If everything existed in uniformity, the gravity that created the stars and planets and everything that we know would not exist.”

The Mountain Is You

“Everything you lose becomes something you are profoundly grateful for. With time, you see that it was not the path. It was what was standing in your way.”

The Mountain Is You

“Happiness is not something you can chase. It is something you have to allow. This likely will come as a surprise to many people, as the world is so adamant about everything from positive psychology to motivational Pinterest boards.

But happiness is not something you can coach yourself into. Happiness is your natural state. That means you will return to it on your own if you allow the other feelings you want to experience to come up, be felt, be processed, and not resisted.

The less you resist your unhappiness, the happier you will be. It is often just trying too hard to feel one certain way that sets us up for failure.”

The Mountain Is You

“If you deny and reject any kind of real challenge in your life, your brain will compensate by creating a problem to overcome. Except this time, there won’t be any reward at the end. It will just be you battling you for the rest of your life.”

The Mountain Is You

“If you try to fix the problem on the surface, you will always come up against a wall. This is because you’re trying to rip off a band-aid before you have a strategy to heal the wound.”

The Mountain Is You

“If you want to master your life, you have to learn to organize your feelings. By becoming aware of them, you can trace them back to the thought process that prompted them, and from there you can decide whether or not the idea is an actual threat or concern, or a fabrication of your reptilian mind just trying to keep you alive.”

The Mountain Is You

“In fact, crying at appropriate times is one of the biggest signs of mental strength, as people who are struggling often find it difficult to release their feelings and be vulnerable.”

The Mountain Is You

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“It is very hard to show up as the person you want to be when you are surrounded by an environment that makes you feel like a person you aren’t.”

The Mountain Is You

“It’s not whether you 'feel' like putting in the work, but whether or not you do it regardless.”

The Mountain Is You

“Just as a mountain is formed when two sections of the ground are forced against one another, your mountain will arise out of coexisting but conflicting needs.

Your mountain requires you to reconcile two parts of you: the conscious and the unconscious, the part of you that is aware of what you want and the part of you that is not aware of why you are still holding yourself back.”

The Mountain Is You

“Many people say that you have to love yourself first before you can love others, but really, if you learn to love others, you will learn to love yourself.”

The Mountain Is You

“Mental strength is not just hoping that nothing ever goes wrong. It is believing that we have the capacity to handle it if it does.”

The Mountain Is You

“Much like nature, life is very often working in our favor, even when it seems like we are only being faced with adversity, discomfort, and change.”

The Mountain Is You

“Needing solitude too often usually means there is a discrepancy between who you pretend to be and who you really are. When you show up to your life more authentically, it becomes easier to have people around you as it requires less effort.”

The Mountain Is You

Products by Brianna Wiest

“Often in life, our biggest anxiety comes not from what’s actually happening, but how we think about what is happening. In that, we reclaim our emotional freedom and power.”

The Mountain Is You

“Our ability to feel the depth and beauty of life is capable of expanding forever inward if we are willing to take our problems and see them as catalysts.”

The Mountain Is You

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“The amygdala is like a point guard in the emotional part of your middle brain. When it is overwhelmed, it hijacks you away from being able to access your upper rational brain and think and assess what to do. It essentially disables your ability to think.”

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“Problems don’t inherently make you a stronger person unless you change and adapt. The variable here is you.

The common denominator is whether or not you shift your foundational perspective on the world and how you behave within it.”

The Mountain Is You

“Self-sabotage is what happens when we refuse to consciously meet our innermost needs, often because we do not believe we are capable of handling them.”

The Mountain Is You

“Self-sabotage is when you have two conflicting desires. One is conscious, one is unconscious. You know how you want to move your life forward, and yet you are still, for some reason, stuck.”

The Mountain Is You

“The greatest act of self-love is to no longer accept a life you are unhappy with.”

The Mountain Is You

“The people you spend the most time with will shape your future irrevocably, and so you must choose them wisely.”

The Mountain Is You

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The thing is that there are millions of scary things that can happen to us in our lives. That is true for everyone. When we are hung up on one scary thing over another, it’s not because it’s a more imminent or likely threat; it’s because we are less convinced we would be able to respond to it.

To heal, we don’t need to avoid it. We need to develop logic to see situations for what they are and respond appropriately to them. So often in life, our biggest anxiety comes not from what’s actually happening, but how we think about what is happening. In that, we reclaim our emotional freedom and power.”

The Mountain Is You

“The way you are self-sabotaging: Mindlessly scrolling through social media as a way to pass the time.

What your subconscious mind might want you to know: This is one of the easiest ways to numb yourself, because it is so accessible and addictive.

There is a world-altering difference between using social media in a healthy way versus as a coping mechanism. Mostly, it has to do with how you feel after you’re finished.

If you don’t put the phone down feeling inspired or relaxed, you’re probably trying to avoid some kind of discomfort within yourself – the very discomfort that just might be telling you that you need to change.”

The Mountain Is You

“To have a mountain in front of you does not mean you are fundamentally broken in some way. Everything in nature is imperfect, and it is because of that imperfection that growth is possible.”

The Mountain Is You

“To truly heal, you are going to have to change the way you think. You are going to have to become very conscious of negative and false beliefs and start shifting to a mindset that actually serves you.”

The Mountain Is You

“We are programmed to seek what we’ve known. Even though we think we’re after happiness, we’re actually trying to find whatever we’re most used to.”

The Mountain Is You

“We have to use our minds to practice discernment. We have to use our supreme intelligence to decide where we want to go, who we want to be, and then we have to allow our bodies to adjust over time.

We cannot live being governed by how we feel. Our emotions are temporary and not always reflective of reality.”

The Mountain Is You

“What happens when we start to chase what we really want: We resist doing the work that it takes to actually get it because we are so afraid of not having it, any brush with failure makes us rescind our effort and tense up.

When we go so long not having what we really want, we create subconscious associations between having it and 'being bad', because we have judged others for having it.

When we get it, we fear losing it so badly that we push it away from ourselves so as to not have to withstand the pain. We are so deeply enmeshed in the mental state of 'wanting', we cannot shift to a state of 'having'.”

The Mountain Is You

Products by Brianna Wiest

“What is not right for you does not remain with you because you don’t want it, and so you don’t choose it.

You step away when you are ready, you let go when you are able, and you realize, all along, that all you were really in love with was a little trick of the light that made you feel safe.”

The Mountain Is You

“When you habituate yourself to do things that move your life forward, you call them skills. When they hold your life back, you call them self-sabotage.”

The Mountain Is You

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“There is a perpetual cycle occurring in the temple body.

The cycle causes degeneration or regeneration physically, mentally, and spiritually depending on your vibration and choices.

The regeneration of the fluidic (lunar) body happens monthly, coinciding with the moon.”

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