Bronze Age Pervert Quotes


Best 37 Bronze Age Mindset Quotes by Bronze Age Pervert – Page 1 of 2

Bronze Age Mindset Quotes

“A chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean? In state of nature he’s too busy, to put plainly.

He is concerned with mastering space: solving problem of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. Deprived of this drive to development and self-increase he devolves to pointless masturbation, in captivity, where he senses he is in owned space and therefore the futility of all his efforts and all his actions.

The onanism of modern society is connected with its supposed “hyper-sexualization” and its infertility. It’s not really hyper-sexualization, but the devolution of the spirit to the lassitude of a diffuse and weak sexuality.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“According to any rational calculation, life is not worth living, because pain far outweighs pleasure. Heavily medicated nihilists are likely to deny this — the blessed and happy know it's true... but also know that reason and rationality are false.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“All great scientific discoveries, supposedly the great works of ‘reason’, are in fact the result of intuitions and sudden grasp of ideas. And all such sudden grasp and reaching is based on what in other circumstances, would be called a kind of religious intoxication: it depends on a state of the mind where the perceiving part of the intellect is absolutely focused, limpid, yet driven by the most relentless energy, an energy to penetrate.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Although we live in the most debased of all ages, it’s still possible, as you will see, to break this Babylon and have the eternal fire of youth surge you to the heights of power.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Among your instincts you will find the longing for strong friendships, that the modern evil tries to snuff out. And they have good reason to try this, because every great thing in the past was done through strong friendships between two men, or brotherhoods of men, and this includes all great political things, all acts of political freedom and power. The modern zoo wants you instead to be a weak and isolated "individual".”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Animals walk around in a state of permanent religious intoxication. This is the natural condition of the mind and intellect, the moment-to-moment perception, of man as well.

I heard some computer fool say that religion is the 'older virtual reality' experience, to justify his scam industry. No, the denuded state of the spirit and intellect, where you walk around 'demystified' and 'disenchanted' is the virtual reality condition, and a terrible condition at that.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Beauty is the very rare and precious preserve of tribes that have striven to promote child-making for something other than financial, social and political gain.

No, the promotion of ugliness is nearly universal and the love of beauty is so rare: among the great civilizations, only the ancient Greeks, the French, the Japanese, and somewhat the Italians are true lovers of beauty and refinement, and have based their existence exclusively on the promotion of beauty.”

Bronze Age Mindset

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Bill Gates, Zuckerface, and Bezos are entirely dependent men. They can't really do with their wealth what you think they can...

For example, they could never just kill a man and take his wife, but even the ruler of the smallest African country has this power, this true wealth.

When your happiness and wealth depends on the force of arms of another, you're not really your own man nor can you enjoy the greatest delights in life.

Clearchus and Agathocles knew this: they show you one of the ways out; they're really authentic men who went their own way! Yes you can!”

Bronze Age Mindset

“For this reason when you see men like Periander you have to understand their special quest wasn’t one where they try to accomplish “the public good,” nor was it some worthless desire to dominate others or exert will for petty satisfaction: they see others instead as tools or objects on a mission of self-overcoming. He was trying to turn himself into a work of art, his life into a replay of the great motions of the stars, or the secret passion plays of the gods.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Gods could not control nature or fate, but could reveal its workings at key times. If a god showed himself today to you, in a dream, would you have the inner energy and power to honor him and do his bidding in the world?

Or would you, neutered by the modern pervasive hivemind of the slave, dismiss it, and yourself as unreal or unworthy, when it is the modern bugman and his blabbering that lacks reality.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Here is my vision of the true justice, the justice of nature: the zoos opened, predators unleashed by the dozens, hundreds. Four thousand hungry wolves rampaging on streets of these hive cities, elephants and bison stampeding, the buildings smashed to pieces, the cries of the human bug shearing through the streets as the lord of beasts returns.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“I believe reincarnation is fundamentally true, even though most of these religions taught it in a metaphorical and popular form called metempsychosis. This is the belief that the soul, the supposed (but false) unity of will and intellect, is fully reborn. This is false.

The intellect is a merely physical quality like muscular strength and can’t be “reborn” any more than your muscles are literally reborn. You are not at bottom your intellect, this is impossible, although this is the assumption of almost all modern people even when they claim otherwise.

They pay lip service to “supremacy of the desires,” or to biological determinism, but they still believe they are their intellects, just imprisoned by flesh and matter and genes and a biological “programming.” This is wrong! And it’s not the intellect that is reborn, I will tell you what is.

Take a fruitfly, or a worker ant. This type of being is very close to plant-life in some ways. It has very primitive intellect, very primitive nervous system. There are inborn ways of behaving, of reacting to certain stimuli, inborn desires and orientations “in the blood,” and when you kill one ant, the next one over will be identical in this regard.

Its rebirth is “instantaneous” because the ant has a will that is shared uniformly across its type in the hive, and is therefore persistent and enduring. Once the queen dies, the next queen is indistinguishable from it in that thing that Schopenhauer calls the will, what he says is inborn way of wanting, and is in a very literal sense a “reincarnation” of this same thing.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“I once saw a jaguar in a zoo, behind glass, so that all the bugs in human form could gawk at it and humiliate it. This animal felt a noble and persistent sadness, being observed everywhere by the obsequious monkeys, not even monkeys, that were taunting it with stares.

He could tell — I saw this! He could tell he was living in a simulated environment and that he had no power to move or live. His sadness crushed me and I will always remember this animal. I never want to see life in this condition!”

Bronze Age Mindset

“I was roused from my slumber by my frog friends and I declare to you, with great boldness, that I am here to save you from a great ugliness.”

Bronze Age Mindset

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“In ancient Greek cities, only the citizens were allowed to lift weights and work in the gym: slaves were forbidden. It's no wonder that the robots of Babylon seek to ban gyms for men in our time.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“In history when you look at life of true nomads who are always on the move and in open space, they never engage in the kind of depressive introspection and questioning of life that you only see in settled and civilized peoples.”

Bronze Age Mindset

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“In the relentless concern of the aristocracy with biological quality, you see an attempt to mitigate the great evils of civilization.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“It is the very character of domestic life to present the world as an enclosed owned space, and, although mankind adapts itself on the whole to this condition, both biologically and culturally, yet there remains a glimmer of the opposite tendency inside even the lowliest.

He can’t help but experience this new state of things in late civilizations except with dread, the dread suspicion... an uncanny suspicion that the world is artificial. He begins to sense that this hothouse he lives in is the malevolent creation of a demiurge that likes to observe our sufferings, that He and his minions feed on them.

In the remote future, should the evil of human innovation continue unchecked, we really will live in the world the Gnostics feared, and that spark of vital life and energy that is the gift of nature to all youthful peoples born from its womb, that spark will remain entrapped in “matter wrongly configured,” matter entirely foreign to its inborn desires and workings, but fashioned instead for the benefit of something else.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“It’s important never to be ‘ambitious’. Men of ‘ambition’ are losers. Act and feel like a winner and good things, friends, and victory will come.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“It’s possible much of known history is falsified. Nietzsche among many others hinted at this. I don’t think we can ever know who these individuals are, but I suspect they walk among us like average men.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Keep up the pressure of true samizdat.”

Bronze Age Mindset

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Life appears at its peak not in the grass hut village ruled by nutso mammies, but in the military state.

In Archaic Greece, in Renaissance Italy and in the vast expanse of the heroic Old Stone Age, at the middle of the Bronze Age of high chariotry, lived men of power and magnificence in great numbers.

We are in every way their inferiors. Physically, spiritually and in intellect they exceed us in every way.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Life is at most basic, struggle for ownership of space.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Social justice — disgusting parasitism, dressed up in rags of words so worn-out and pee-stained even their defenders are sick of the smell…”

Bronze Age Mindset

“The best desire one thing above all, ever-flowing eternal fame among mortals; but the many glut themselves like cattle.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“The entire purpose of modern education is to suppress that enthusiasm, to make you second-guess yourself when you hear the voice of old friends goading you on.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“The modern world is a killjoy, in short. But the ancient Greeks were quite different, and different also from the over-serious stuffy men with English accents who play them in period dramas.

What they admired was a carelessness and freedom from constraint that would shock us, and that upsets especially the dour leftist and the conservative role-player.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“The problem of our time has never been with technology as such. There is no inner working of technology that inevitably leads to human subjection. The tendency exists merely because, by allowing an overwhelming increase in the numbers of the superfluous, it gives them and those who cater to them power when it is mixed with democracy.

The left environmentalist, among many others, is misguided because he wants more power given to such people. He attacks precisely those elements of the modern West, of modern technology, even of modern culture, that can mitigate somewhat the rule of the superfluous and their destruction of nature, including human nature.”

Bronze Age Mindset

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“There is an apparently different but in fact similar speculation that nerds love: that the universe is “logic” or information. That what constitutes matter can in fact be recorded as “information,” as relations of logic, and that therefore the universe must be precisely this — this is behind also the belief that you can “upload” your intelligence to a computer and attain immortality, and many related forms of imbecility.”

Bronze Age Mindset

“Thucydides says the men of the Bronze Age enjoyed piracy, and saw nothing wrong with it, and this is true. And what is the pirate but the original form of the free man and of all ascending life!”

Bronze Age Mindset

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