Burton Malkiel Quotes


Best 39 The Elements of Investing Quotes by Burton Malkiel – Page 1 of 2

The Elements of Investing Quotes

“And you must have both the cash and the confidence to continue making the periodic investments even when the sky is the darkest. No matter how scary the financial news, no matter how difficult it is to see any signs of optimism, you must not interrupt the automatic-pilot nature of the program. Because if you do, you will lose the benefit of buying at least some of your shares after a sharp market decline when they are for sale at low-end prices. Dollar-cost averaging will give you this bargain: Your average price per share will be lower than the average price at which you bought shares. Why? Because you’ll buy more shares at low prices and fewer at high prices.”

The Elements of Investing

“As an investor, you have one powerful way to keep from getting distressed by devilish Mr. Market: Ignore him. Just buy and hold one of the broad-based index funds that.”

The Elements of Investing

“As in so many human endeavors, the secrets to success are patience, persistence, and minimizing mistakes. In driving, it’s having no serious accidents; in tennis, the key is getting the ball back; and in investing, it’s indexing—to avoid the expenses and mistakes that do so much harm to so many investors.”

The Elements of Investing

“Avoiding serious trouble, particularly troubles that come from incurring unnecessary risks, is one of the great secrets to investment success. Investors all too often beat themselves by making serious—and completely unnecessary—investment mistakes.”

The Elements of Investing

“By buying a share in a total market index fund, you acquire an ownership share in all the major businesses in the economy. Index funds eliminate the anxiety and expense of trying to predict which individual stocks, bonds, or mutual funds will beat the market.”

The Elements of Investing

“Diversify across securities, across asset classes, across markets—and across time.”

The Elements of Investing

“Finding the next Warren Buffett is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We recommend that you buy the haystack instead, in the form of a low-cost index fund.”

The Elements of Investing

“High-quality bonds can moderate the risk of a common stock portfolio by providing offsetting variations to the inevitable ups and downs of the stock market”

The Elements of Investing

“Investors should avoid any urge to forecast the stock market. Forecasts, even forecasts by recognized experts, are unlikely to be better than random guesses. “It will fluctuate,” declared J. P. Morgan when asked about his expectation for the stock market. He was right. All other market forecasts—usually estimating the overall direction of the stock market—are historically about 50 percent right and 50 percent wrong. You wouldn’t bet much money on a coin toss, so don’t even think of acting on stock market forecasts.”

The Elements of Investing

“Nobody knows more than the market.”

The Elements of Investing

“One asset class that belongs in most portfolios is bonds. Bonds are basically IOUs issued by corporations and government units.”

The Elements of Investing

“One of the most important lessons you can learn about investing is to avoid following the herd and getting caught up in market-based overconfidence or discouragement.”

The Elements of Investing

“Only liars manage always to be out of the market during bad times and in during good times.”

The Elements of Investing

“Only those who will be sellers of equities in the near future should be happy at seeing stocks rise. Prospective purchasers should much prefer sinking prices.”

The Elements of Investing

“Predicting the stock market is really predicting how other investors will change estimates they are now making with all their best efforts. This means that, for a market forecaster to be right, the consensus of all others must be wrong and the forecaster must determine in which direction-up or down-the market will be moved by changes in the consensus of those same active investors.”

The Elements of Investing

“Protect yourself: Every investor should always diversify.”

The Elements of Investing

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“Psychologists also remind us that investors are far more distressed by losses than they are delighted by gains. This leads people to discard their winners if they need cash and hold onto their losers because they don’t want to recognize or admit that they made a mistake. Remember: Selling winners means paying capital gains taxes while selling losers can produce tax deductions. So if you need to sell, sell your losers. At least that way you get a tax deduction rather than an increase in your tax liability.”

The Elements of Investing

“Rebalancing will not always increase returns. But it will always reduce the riskiness of the portfolio and it will always ensure that your actual allocation stays consistent with the right allocation for your needs and temperament.”

The Elements of Investing

“The average actively managed mutual fund charges about one percentage point of assets each year for managing the portfolio. It is the expenses charged by professional 'active' managers that drag their return well below that of the market as a whole. Low-cost index funds charge only one-tenth as much for portfolio management. Index funds do not need to hire highly paid security analysts to travel around the world in a vain attempt to find 'undervalued' securities. ”

The Elements of Investing

“The best choice for your equity investments is a fund indexed to the total world stock market. If you are truly uncomfortable investing in foreign stocks, you could choose a domestic total stock market fund. We recommend that you be diversified internationally because the United States represents less than half of the world’s economic activity and stock market capitalization. For your bonds, choose a total U.S. bond market index fund.”

The Elements of Investing

“The buy-and-hold investor who prudently holds a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds through thick and thin is the investor most likely to achieve her long-term investment goals.”

The Elements of Investing

“The cardinal rule of investing: Broad diversification is essential.”

The Elements of Investing

“The largest, longest study of experts’ economic forecasts was performed by Philip Tetlock, a professor at the Haas Business School of the University of California–Berkeley. He studied 82,000 predictions over 25 years by 300 selected experts. Tetlock concludes that expert predictions barely beat random guesses. Ironically, the more famous the expert, the less accurate his or her predictions tended to be.”

The Elements of Investing

“The secret of getting rich slowly but surely is the miracle of compound interest. Albert Einstein is said to have described compound interest as the most powerful force in the universe. The concept simply involves earning a return not only on your original savings but also on the accumulated interest that you have earned on your past investment of your savings.”

The Elements of Investing

“The secret to success and enjoyment in so many parts of life is to know your capabilities and stay within them. Similarly, the key to success in investing is to know yourself and invest within your investing capabilities and within your emotional capacities.”

The Elements of Investing

“The stock market as a whole has delivered an average rate of return of about 9½ percent over long periods of time. But that return only measures what a buy-and-hold investor would earn by putting money in at the start of the period and keeping her money invested through thick and thin.”

The Elements of Investing

“There are few, if any, absolute rules in saving and investing, but here’s ours: Never, never, never take on credit card debt. This rule comes as close as any to being an inviolable commandment.”

The Elements of Investing

“There is no simple road to riches for you and your family. The secret to getting wealthy is that there is no secret. The only way to get rich—unless you inherit or marry a fortune or hit the lottery—is to get rich slowly. Start early and contribute as much as possible to your savings for as long as possible.”

The Elements of Investing

“There is one investment truism that, if followed, can dependably increase your investment returns: Minimize your investment costs.”

The Elements of Investing

“This simple investment strategy—indexing—has outperformed all but a handful of the thousands of equity and bond funds that are sold to the public. But you wouldn’t know this when Wall Street throws everything but the kitchen sink at you to convince you otherwise. This is the plan we use ourselves for our retirement funds, and this is the plan we urge you to follow, too.”

The Elements of Investing

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