Camille Paglia Quotes Page 3
Best 90 Quotes by Camille Paglia – Page 3 of 3
Sexual Personae Quotes
“Eroticism is mystique; that is, the aura of emotion and imagination around sex. It cannot be 'fixed' by codes of social or moral convenience, whether from the political left or right. For nature's fascism is greater than that of any society. There is a daemonic instability in sexual relations that we may have to accept.”
“Everything great in western culture has come from the quarrel with nature.”
“Feminism has exceeded its proper mission of seeking political equality for women and has ended by rejecting contingency, that is, human limitation by nature or fate.”
“Liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.”
“Men chase by night those they will not greet by day.”
“Metaphorically, every v*gina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered. The basic mechanics of conception require action in the male but nothing more than passive receptivity in the female.”
“Nature is always pulling the rug out from under our pompous ideals.”
“Nature is forever playing solitaire with herself.”
“Not until all babies are born from glass jars will the combat cease between mother and son.”
“Science is a method of logical analysis of nature’s operations. It has lessened human anxiety about the cosmos by demonstrating the materiality of nature’s forces, and their frequent predictability. But science is always playing catch-up ball. Nature breaks its own rules whenever it wants. Science cannot avert a single thunderbolt.”
“Sex cannot be understood because nature cannot be understood.”
“Sex is power.”
“Sexual freedom, sexual liberation. A modern delusion. We are hierarchical animals. Sweep one hierarchy away, and another will take its place, perhaps less palatable than the first.”
“Society is a system of inherited forms reducing our humiliating passivity to nature.”
“The book of Genesis is a male declaration of independence from the ancient mother-cults.”
“The Devil is a woman.”
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“A Haydn symphony had a meaning for the social group that listened to it. A Mahler symphony had a meaning for the man who composed it. Here is the difference between the classical and romantic attitudes to art.”
“The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it.”
“The female body’s unbearable hiddenness applies to all aspects men’s dealings with women. What does it look like in there? Did she have an org*sm? Is it really my child? Who was my real father? Mystery surrounds women’s sexuality. This mystery is the main reason for the imprisonment man has imposed on women. Only by confining his wife in a locked harem guarded by eunuchs could he be certain that her son was also his.”
“The serpent is not outside Eve but in her. She is the garden and the serpent.”
“The western mind makes definitions; it draws lines.”
“There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.”
“Tranvestism is far more common among men, I noted, because it originates in the primary relation of mother and son.”
“We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force. Nature has a master agenda we can only dimly know.”
“We have an evolutionary revulsion from slime, the site of our biologic origins. Every month, it is woman's fate to face the abyss of time and being, the abyss which is herself.”
“Western science is a product of the Apollonian mind: its hope is that by naming and classification, by the cold light of intellect, archaic night can be pushed back and defeated.”
Vamps & Tramps Quotes
“Current feminism, with its antiscience and social constructionist bias, never thinks about nature. Hence it cannot deal with sex, which begins in the body and is energized by instinctual drives.”
“I hate dogma in any form. I hated it in the Catholic Church and Girl Scout troops of the 1950s, and I hate in in gay activism and established feminism today.”
“Is there intellectual life in America? At present, the answer is no.”
“Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.”
“Moralism and ignorance are responsible for the constant stereotyping of prostitutes by their lowest common denominator – the sick, strung-out addicts, couched on city stoops, who turn tricks for drug money. The most successful prostitutes in history have been invisible. That invisibility was produced by their high intelligence, which gives them the power to perceive, and move freely but undetected in the social frame. The prostitute is a superb analyst, not only in evading the law but in initiating the unique constellation of convention and fantasy that produces a stranger’s org*sm. She lives by her wits as much as her body. She is a psychologist, actor, and dancer, a performance artist of hyper-developed sexual imagination.”
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“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living.
When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you.
Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.”