Charlie Kirk Quotes Page 2


Best 60 Quotes by Charlie Kirk – Page 2 of 2

“Once we lose our border protection, the road to citizenship, voting and welfare benefits for a flood of new immigrants will be all but paved.”

“Once we're ignored or dismissed long enough, conservatives seem to just shrug our collective shoulders and accept defeat. It's this type of passivity that has allowed progressives to dominate film and television, universities and large swaths of the mainstream news media.”

“One of the first things President Trump did to stimulate the economy was to remove harmful regulations that left our small banks, energy companies and other businesses treading water to stay afloat.”

“One of the most horrifying and surprising evolutions we have witnessed among our widespread campus network is the rapid movement away from tolerating opposing ideas and respectful debate to the deployment of obscene bully tactics from the left.”

“People start to yawn when you warn them about a move toward socialism. It seems abstract. But if you discuss the issues that arise from high taxes, oppressive regulation, seizure of private property, and dictating of individual behavior, people understand them, and they reject them.”

“Political correctness is the deadliest of political weaponry.”

“Regulation often helps Big Industry remain entrenched in power. The burdensome costs of complying with any new regulation would be a rounding error for the likes of Facebook and Google, but it might completely destroy a promising start-up poised to challenge their dominance.”

“Say what you will about President Trump's tone, tactics or tweeting, but even his most strident critics admit he's at his best when on the offensive.”

“Since I started Turning Point U.S.A., almost all millennials are off the college campuses, where the organization and I continue to focus much of our efforts.”

“Stop calling men that are women 'women' and stop calling women that are men 'men'.

Be precise in it. Just don't put up with it.

You don't stop being a man just because you wear camouflage.

You don't stop being a white person if you wear blackface.

They are wearing womanface, they're appropriating womanhood.

“The calculus is simple: Trump wants more freedom; Lockdown Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., want less.”

“The case for socialism is always made based on an ideal and a promise. The ideal is that humans can lovingly coexist in a sharing and peaceful way. The promise is that this time, unlike failed attempts elsewhere, socialism will be implemented properly, and no citizen will suffer as a result.”

“The Democrats want a pathway to citizenship for the illegal immigrants so they can become Democratic voters in a few years – and some Democrats even argue that non-citizens ought to be able to vote in U.S. elections.”

“The left has viewed the coronavirus pandemic as a political 'opportunity' from the start.”

“The real reason Democrats are pushing for universal mail-in balloting has nothing to do with the global pandemic which originated in China; they simply believe it will help them win elections.”

“The truth is that while those on the left – particularly the far left – claim to be tolerant and welcoming of diversity, in reality many are quite intolerant of anyone not embracing their radical views.”

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“Rent-control laws disproportionately benefit the non-poor because the elite pull strings, work the system and are better connected than the non-poor.”

More quotes by Larry Elder

“The United States has been turned into a mindless true-false test, instead of the complex essay exam, it should be. You are either for open borders, or you are racist and anti-immigration. It just doesn't work that way.”

“There are young conservatives out there, and there have been for decades.”

“This silent majority are the Americans who love God, their family, and our amazing country. They don't want their morals, their job, or their lifestyle threatened by the government or any candidates.”

“Throwing open our borders to everyone who wants to enter is impractical and could cause grave harm to our nation and the American people.”

“We have been indoctrinated to see the world through a politically correct lens.”

“We have to tell our babies to stop crying.”

“We live in a welfare state society – one that is already bloated and overburdened. We cannot continue to absorb and support an endless stream of people who will inevitably need legal residents to subsidize their lives.”

“We've been conditioned to see a video of white people in MAGA hats standing in front of a Native American and assume that the white people are racists.”

“When students have access to low-interest loans and government aid, colleges have no incentive to cut costs. Why should a college lower tuition if more students are able to pay with subsidized loans from the government?”

“When you deliberately distort and selectively present the truth, you lie.”

“While freedom-loving people like libertarians and conservatives wish to provide the illumination of facts and the focus of reason for young people so that they might see and think clearly, those who call themselves progressives favor the classic totalitarian tactic of indoctrination.”

“While it might be aspirational, especially for freedom-loving people like me, to believe that America – the greatest and freest nation of all time – should welcome all those who wish to enter so that they might enjoy the gifts of this land, it simply isn't pragmatic.”

“You don't need a brilliant sleuth like Sherlock Holmes to figure out that the claims of Trump-Russia collusion were false. The bumbling Inspector Clouseau could have figured it out.”

“Young people in college – many living away from their parents for the first time in their lives – are particularly vulnerable to the leftist propaganda campaign designed to turn them away from supporting president Trump and turning them away from believing in American exceptionalism.”

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“What is more, when the funds do run dry, blacks, having never learned how the dollars were earned, will be left in the position of once again needing to beg the government for survival.

Handouts absent hard work render men weak, and with depleted self-esteem; they stifle the entrepreneurial spirit, by removing our innate senses of drive and aspiration.

Poverty and despair become the life of the man who is given a fish but never learns to cast his own line. And though many will sympathize, prosperity will never be won until we become our own lifeline.”

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