Chris Kresser Quotes

Best 11 Twitter post Quotes by Chris Kresser

Twitter post Quotes

“Centuries ago, coffee was viewed with suspicion.

However, according to the latest studies, coffee may have some health benefits, and it could even contribute to longevity.”

Twitter post

“Contrary to what we’ve been told, industrial seed oils are not 'heart healthy'.”

Twitter post

“Did you know that one in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder in her lifetime, but those with undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease are especially at risk for a number of serious conditions, including infertility?”

Twitter post

“Humans are social creatures. When we feel connected, we thrive, and when we feel alone, we don’t.”

Twitter post

“Is it lack of sleep that increases the risk of obesity, or is it excess weight that messes with a good night's sleep?”

Twitter post

“Light pollution is a major problem in the developed world.”

Twitter post

“Replacing long periods of sitting with sleep or light activity may be associated with lower stress, better mood, and lower body mass index.

And, these new findings may be a key to helping people to make small sustainable changes.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Stress management may be the most crucial factor in maintaining overall health and well-being.

And, while we may not be able to avoid stress, we can influence how it affects us.”

Twitter post

“The reactive nature of conventional medicine, which often doesn't intervene until a patient's disease has already progressed, results in massive costs.”

Twitter post

“To get the benefits of exercise, you need to move often — every single day — and sit much less.”

Twitter post

“Whether you're working from home or back at the office, taking frequent breaks to move and stretch provides relief restores muscle function and improves posture.”

Twitter post

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