Christopher Canwell Quotes Page 2


Best 85 Quotes by Christopher Canwell – Page 2 of 3

Atomic Attraction Quotes

“It’s interesting to note that men often assume that tall people are more attractive; however, a revealing study carried out by Ohio State University discovered that women don’t prefer to date tall men, they just prefer to date men who are taller than themselves. A man’s height is, of course, relative to a woman’s height.”

Atomic Attraction

“Just as you must be aware of the consequences of growing long hair, you must also be aware of the consequences of excessive grooming. Spend too much time grooming your hair and you’ll leave the vast majority of women feeling uninspired and disinterested. If you over-style your hair you run the risk of coming across as cold, sterile, controlling, boring, predictable, stuffy, and overly focused on your appearance.”

Atomic Attraction

“Let’s take a moment to look at some ways to increase the amount of natural testosterone in your body so you, too, can harness the benefits of androstadienone.

— Get good sleep and lots of rest.
— Consume more zinc and vitamin D.
— Eat a healthy diet with sufficient protein.
— Reduce alcohol consumption, as alcohol is extremely estrogenic and toxic.
— Reduce excess body fat through diet and exercise.
— Use intermittent fasting to reduce insulin spikes and release more HGH (Human Growth Hormone).
— Eat more healthy fats (like peanut butter, olive oil, almonds, avocados, red meat, eggs, and dark chocolate).
— Workout in the gym, focusing more on compound movements (like the squat, deadlift, bench press and high-intensity interval training).”

Atomic Attraction

“Like it or not, clothes matter. The airline pilot who wears a pilot’s uniform is seen as skilled, professional, intelligent, and successful. A con man who wears the same pilot’s uniform is viewed the same way — skilled, professional, intelligent, and successful.”

Atomic Attraction

“Men have moved so far away from their innate masculinity that they’ve lost sight of what it takes to attract women and capture a woman’s interest.”

Atomic Attraction

“Men often believe that 'going gray' spells the end of attraction. This fear, however, is all in the mind. In reality, the more mature and distinguished a man looks, the more opportunities he will have to seduce and attract women regardless of age.”

Atomic Attraction

“Men who have money and status are often seen as a 'catch' compared to men who are less prosperous. As we dig deeper into the phenomenon of wealth and status, however, it soon becomes clear that it’s the 'prestige' element of status, not the 'money' element that women find most attractive.”

Atomic Attraction

“Men who regularly consume one to two cloves of garlic a day smell more attractive to women. Garlic contains many antioxidants that improve the bodies metabolic functioning. These antioxidants reduce body odor, and garlic’s powerful antibacterial properties help kill off strong smelling microorganisms while boosting the body’s immune system at the same time.”

Atomic Attraction

“Men who use a scented fragrance in day-to-day life feel more attractive and confident compared to men who don’t wear any fragrance at all.”

Atomic Attraction

“Money by itself is not enough to maintain attraction. Money, it turns out, is no cure-all or panacea for the absence of attraction.”

Atomic Attraction

“Nice guys live under the illusion that if they are just that little bit more supportive and kind they will be handed the 'keys to the kingdom' and receive unlimited sexual access to women.”

Atomic Attraction

“Of course, it's more comfortable to stroll around in a comfortable shirt and baggy shorts, but how do you expect to stand out when every other man is dressed the same way?”

Atomic Attraction

“Once you summon the mental fortitude to push through the initial pain barrier that comes with working out, you’ll not only strengthen your body; you’ll strengthen your mind as well, making you that much more attractive in the process.”

Atomic Attraction

“One of the surest ways to gain influence and become more attractive is to wear the right type of clothes. People believe what they see, and they’re quick to cast judgment and make assumptions based on clothing and appearance alone.”

Atomic Attraction

“Political correctness has without doubt taken a toll on modern relationships. We live in a world where men are now more afraid than ever to act like men. Over the past several decades there has been an undeniable shift in Western society towards political correctness, feminism, and the suppression of masculine behavior.”

Atomic Attraction

“Projecting strength is not about being aggressive or rude. It’s not about being hostile and starting fights — nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, acting in this way is a sure sign of weakness and insecurity.”

Atomic Attraction

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“You think all women are good in bed? How come it's okay for you women to question whether or not a man is good in bed and that's completely fine?

"Gotta have an anaconda, girl!" Women can talk about size, girth, length, prowess, what he must do and that's completely okay.

But if a man simply asks 'are you proficient' that's stupid.”

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“Research into aggression and attraction found that women view men as more desirable when they’re less aggressive and able to solve problems in a more sophisticated way. After all, violence, unless under serious threat, is considered reckless for it comes with a high risk of punishment.”

Atomic Attraction

“Smoking and drinking to excess are both forms of risky behavior that offer no long-term reward and few advantages.

On the other hand, risky behaviors that bring rewards, such as starting a business or taking a loan for further study are viewed as much more attractive by women because they fall under the category of a 'calculated risk'.”

Atomic Attraction

“Some crucial fashion mistakes that are known to kill attraction:

— Bad color coordination.
— Wearing clothes that don’t fit.
— Wearing clothes that are too tight.
— Wearing oversized suits and shirts.
— Fastening all the buttons on your shirt.
— Wearing sportswear on a regular basis.
— Wearing clothes with large logos and slogans.”

Atomic Attraction

“Still, there are times when women choose to date and marry men they don’t find attractive. In this case, the woman opts to settle down with a beta male who’s caring, nurturing, beta qualities make for an excellent provider. But are these women sexually attracted to their beta partners? The answer, of course, is a resounding no.”

Atomic Attraction

“Studies show that people who are overweight are more likely to be perceived as lazy and thus less attractive. Second, the fact that this man has allowed his body to deteriorate to such an extent indicates that the man has poor self-control.”

Atomic Attraction

“Suits, dress shirts, and fitted shirts look great on just about every man who’s in shape.”

Atomic Attraction

“Surprisingly enough, women often express a fondness for men who let their hair grow a little wild and disheveled. Yes, be clean, yes, groom your hair, but don’t focus on your hair to the point of perfection. The key to maintaining an attractive head of hair is to keep your hair short-to-medium length, healthy, and natural. And even more important than all these factors combined—you must choose a hairstyle that makes you feel good and instills you with confidence.”

Atomic Attraction

“The benefits of dressing well:

— Women will notice you.
— You’ll feel more confident.
— You’ll look more successful.
— You’ll get more immediate respect.
— You’ll act in a more attractive way.
— You’ll make a great first impression.
— You’ll be perceived as more attractive.
— Women will be more interested in you.”

Atomic Attraction

“The benefits of working out

— You’ll boost your immune system.
— You’ll increase your mental strength.
— You’ll increase your testosterone levels.
— You’ll become more sexually attractive.
— You’ll get more respect from men and women.
— You’ll increase your strength and bone density.
— You’ll project greater strength and masculinity.
— You’ll reduce your risk of depression and anxiety.”

Atomic Attraction

“The message is clear: do the right thing; man up; be a nice guy; buy her gifts; buy her flowers; be chivalrous; women are more precious and deserving than men; men are the root of all evil; if men didn’t exist, there wouldn’t be any wars; if you want to have sex with a woman, you’re both a pervert and a creep. Sound familiar?

This refrain, sung en masse, has not only corrupted and corroded society, causing a massive gender imbalance, it has also given birth to a sociological phenomenon known as Nice Guy syndrome.”

Atomic Attraction

“The moment you start doubting yourself is the moment you open up Pandora’s Box and bring unnecessary problems into your relationship. Remember, thoughts are energy and they hold real-world consequences.”

Atomic Attraction

“The occasional gold digger aside, money doesn’t make a man more attractive and desirable. Instead, it’s the qualities and character traits that make a man wealthy that women find attractive, not the money itself.

These positive qualities and character traits are especially prevalent in self-made men. And unless a man inherits his wealth, a wealthy man is more likely to be intelligent, determined, focused, strong, and confident for without these qualities it’s unlikely he would have become wealthy in the first place. The man’s wealth, in this case, is a form of social proof.”

Atomic Attraction

“The way you present yourself to the world reveals a lot about your character. Call it superficial and shallow, but human beings are programmed to pick up on physical cues, and to make mental shortcuts when evaluating other people.

One of the best ways to display good genes and a healthy reproductive capacity is to develop a strong, muscular body.”

Atomic Attraction

“The woman has simply chosen to settle down with a beta male as she seeks out stronger more confident men for sex and reproduction. This relationship dynamic provides women with the best of both worlds — a provider husband and the strongest possible DNA for her offspring.

It is, at the same time, unfortunate that the beta male reaps few benefits in this arrangement with all the real, tangible benefits going to the woman and her alpha partner.Given a choice between an alpha male and a beta male, a woman will always choose to be with a strong, confident man for romance, marriage, and sex.”

Atomic Attraction

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“A fearful man who knows he is fearful is far more trustable than a fearful man who isn’t aware of his fear.”

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