Clare Boothe Luce Quotes

Best 14 The Women Quotes by Clare Boothe Luce

The Women Quotes

“A man has only one escape from his old self — to see a different self in the mirror of some woman's eyes.”

The Women

“I wish I were a virgin again. The only fun I ever had was holding out.”

The Women

“If a woman's got any instincts, she feels when her husband's off the reservation.”

The Women

“If men had to bear babies, there'd never be more than one child in a family.”

The Women

“If you ever manage to make a fool of me, I'll deserve what I get.”

The Women

“It is matrimonial suicide to be jealous when you have a really good reason.”

The Women

“Nature abhors a virgin - a frozen asset.”

The Women

“She's in love, bless her. After the child's been married as long as you girls, she may be able to concentrate on vital matters like bridge.”

The Women

“The women who inspired this play deserved to be smacked across the head with a meat ax and that, I flatter myself, is exactly what I smacked them with.”

The Women

“There is nothing like a good dose of another woman to make a man appreciate his wife.”

The Women

“There's no use dieting in my condition. I've got to wait until I can begin from scratch.”

The Women

“They are vulgar and dirty-minded and alien to grace, and I would not, if I could – which I hasten to say I cannot – cross their obscenities with a wit which is foreign to them and gild their futilities with the glamour which by birth and breeding and performance they do not possess.”

The Women

“Time comes when every man's got to feel something new--when he's got to feel young again, just because he's growing old. Women are just the same. But when we get that way we change our hairdress. Or get a new cook.”

The Women

“You know, that's the only good thing about divorce; you get to sleep with your mother.”

The Women

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