Claude Bristol Quotes Page 2


Best 50 Quotes by Claude Bristol – Page 2 of 2

The Magic of Believing Quotes

“There are many forces at work in the world of which we know little or nothing.”

The Magic of Believing

“There is a golden thread that runs through all the teachings and makes them work for those who sincerely accept and apply them, and that thread can be named in the single word – belief.”

The Magic of Believing

“There is an old saying that once we start weaving, the Gods will furnish the skein, and how true that is.”

The Magic of Believing

“Think of all of this in terms of the so-called material things. You know that two objects cannot fill the same space at the same time.

Your mind can be compared to that space: you can’t keep your mind filled with negative thoughts or doubts if you have it filled with positive, powerful, and creative thoughts.”

The Magic of Believing

“Thought attracts that upon which it is directed.”

The Magic of Believing

“Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement.

Without it there would be no great empires, no great fortunes, no great transcontinental rail lines, no modern conveniences.

In fact, there would be no advance over life in the most primitive ages.”

The Magic of Believing

“To great artists there was no such thing as a small part and to small artists there were no big parts.”

The Magic of Believing

“We are moulded also by the thoughts of others; by what we hear in our social life, what we read in newspapers, magazines, and books, what we hear in the movies, the theatre, and on the radio; even by chance remarks from the conversation of bystanders – and these thoughts bombard us constantly.

Some of them that accord with our own inmost thoughts and also open the way to greater visions in our life are helpful. But often there are thoughts that are upsetting, that weaken our self-confidence, and turn us away from our high purposes.

It is these outside thoughts that are the trouble makers.”

The Magic of Believing

“What do you seek? Pay the price and take it away. There is no limit to the supply, but the more precious the thing you seek the higher the price. For everything we obtain we must barter the gold of our own spirits.”

The Magic of Believing

“What the fool cannot learn he laughs at, thinking that by his laughter he shows superiority instead of latent idiocy.”

The Magic of Believing

“What you exhibit outwardly, you are inwardly. You are the product of your own thought. What you believe yourself to be, you are.”

The Magic of Believing

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

The Magic of Believing

“You are constantly being swayed by what you read, see, and hear, and as a result the co-ordinating part of this creative force turns to gathering together all these scattered elements in a confused mass, instead of devoting itself to making a clear and dynamic picture of your desire.”

The Magic of Believing

“You know nothing is ever lost — it’s just misplaced. It’s right there to be found in the exact place where you left it or dropped it.”

The Magic of Believing

“You know that two objects cannot fill the same space at the same time. Your mind can be compared to that space: you can’t keep your mind filled with negative thoughts or doubts if you have it filled with positive, powerful, and creative thoughts.”

The Magic of Believing

“You must at all times keep your mind filled with positive thoughts so that their strong vibrations will ward off all negative and destructive thoughts that might come from the outside.”

The Magic of Believing

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“Every person should make it his business to gather new ideas from sources other than the environment in which he daily lives and works.

The mind becomes withered, stagnant, narrow and closed unless it searches for new ideas.”

More quotes by Napoleon Hill

“You must have a mental pattern clearly drawn in your mind. Ask yourself, Where am I headed? What is my goal? Have I visualized just what I really want?

If success is to be measured in terms of wealth, can you fix the amount in figures? If in terms of achievement, can you specify it definitely?”

The Magic of Believing

“Your constant affirmations until belief in your goal becomes a vital part of you and you feel it in your blood, your bones, and in every tissue of your body.”

The Magic of Believing

“Your mind can be compared to that space: you can’t keep your mind filled with negative thoughts or doubts if you have it filled with positive, powerful, and creative thoughts.”

The Magic of Believing

“Your very life is your thinking and the result of your thinking processes.

Your flesh, bones, and muscles can be reduced to 70 per cent water and a few chemicals of small value, but it is your mind and what you think that makes you what you are.

The secret of success lies not without, but within, the thoughts of man.”

The Magic of Believing