Claude C. Hopkins Quotes Page 2


Best 40 Quotes by Claude C. Hopkins – Page 2 of 2

Scientific Advertising Quotes

“The compass of accurate knowledge directs the shortest, safest, cheapest course to any destination.”

Scientific Advertising

“The man who wins out and survives does so only because of superior science and strategy.”

Scientific Advertising

“The only purpose of advertising is to make sales. It is profitable or unprofitable according to its actual sales.”

Scientific Advertising

“The only readers we get are people whom our subject interests. No one reads ads for amusement, long or short... Give them enough to take action.”

Scientific Advertising

“The right name is an advertisement in itself.”

Scientific Advertising

“The weight of an argument may often be multiplied by making it specific.”

Scientific Advertising

“The writing of headline is one of the great journalistic arts. They either conceal or reveal am interest.”

Scientific Advertising

“Use pictures only to attract those who may profit you. Use them only when they form a better selling argument than the same amount of space set in type.”

Scientific Advertising

“We are influenced by our surroundings. The prosperous mingle with the prosperous, so do those of certain likes and inclinations. The higher we ascend the farther we proceed from ordinary humanity. That will not do in advertising.”

Scientific Advertising

“We learn, for instance, that curiosity is one of the strongest human incentives.”

Scientific Advertising

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