Dan Ariely Quotes

Best 15 Predictably Irrational Quotes by Dan Ariely

Predictably Irrational Quotes

“Giving up on our long-term goals for immediate gratification, my friends, is procrastination.”

Predictably Irrational

“In order to make a man covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.”

Predictably Irrational

“Individuals are honest only to the extent that suits them, including their desire to please others.”

Predictably Irrational

“Money is very often the most expensive way to motivate people. Social norms are not only cheaper, but often more effective as well.”

Predictably Irrational

“Once market norms enter our considerations, the social norms depart.”

Predictably Irrational

“Ownership is not limited to material things. It can also apply to points of view. Once we take ownership of an idea — whether it’s about politics or sports — what do we do? We love it perhaps more than we should. We prize it more than it is worth. And most frequently, we have trouble letting go of it because we can’t stand the idea of its loss. What are we left with then? An ideology — rigid and unyielding.”

Predictably Irrational

“People are willing to work free, and they are willing to work for a reasonable wage; but offer them just a small payment and they will walk away.”

Predictably Irrational

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Resisting temptation and instilling self-control are general human goals, and repeatedly failing to achieve them is a source of much of our misery.”

Predictably Irrational

“Simplification is a mark of real genius.”

Predictably Irrational

“The danger of expecting nothing is that, in the end, it might be all we'll get.”

Predictably Irrational

“The more we have, the more we want. And the only cure is to break the cycle of relativity.”

Predictably Irrational

“There are many examples to show that people will work more for a cause than for cash.”

Predictably Irrational

“Trust, once eroded, is very hard to restore.”

Predictably Irrational

“We are pawns in a game whose forces we largely fail to comprehend.”

Predictably Irrational

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“When given the opportunity, many honest people will cheat.”

Predictably Irrational

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“When our freedom to have something is limited, the item becomes less available, and we experience an increased desire for it. However, we rarely recognize that psychological reactance has caused us to want the item more; all we know is that we want it. Still, we need to make sense of our desire for the item, so we begin to assign it positive qualities to justify the desire.”

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