Dan Brown Quotes


Best 46 Quotes by Dan Brown – Page 1 of 2

“Books make great gifts because they can unveil hidden secrets.”

“Google is not a synonym for research.”

“I don't know where I would place myself in the literary landscape. I really just write the book that I would want to read.”

“I personally believe that our planet would be absolutely fine without religion, and I also feel we are evolving in that direction.”

“I think one reason my books have found mainstream success is that they're written from a skeptical point of view.”

“It's not about what you tell the reader, it's about what you conceal.”

“Knowledge grows exponentially. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base.”

“Men in power are always interested in greater power.”

“Nothing captures human interest more than human tragedy.”

“Our need for that exterior god that sits up there and judges us will diminish and eventually disappear.”

“Powerful truth has its own gravity and eventually pulls people back to it.”

“Small minds have always lashed out at what they don't understand.”

“Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.”

“The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are divine.”

“Today is today. But there are many tomorrows.”

“What really matters is what you believe.”

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“Stupid people are dangerous.”

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Angels & Demons Quotes

“No love is greater than that of a father for His son.”

Angels & Demons

“Our minds sometimes see what our hearts wish were true.”

Angels & Demons

“Pure energy is the father of creation.”

Angels & Demons

“Science and religion are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand.”

Angels & Demons

“Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.”

Angels & Demons

“Stand tall, smile bright, and let 'em wonder what secret's making you laugh.”

Angels & Demons

“The most dangerous enemy is that which no one fears!”

Angels & Demons

Deception Point Quotes

“Life is filled with difficult decisions. And winners are those who make them.”

Deception Point

“Nobody tells you what you can and can't do.”

Deception Point

“Peace on this planet will not be forged by military strength. It will be forged by those who come together despite their government's differences.”

Deception Point

“Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past.”

Deception Point

“When multiple explanations exist, the simplest is usually correct.”

Deception Point

Digital Fortress Quotes

“Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.”

Digital Fortress

Inferno Quotes

“Just because the human mind can't imagine something happening... doesn't mean it won't.”


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“The artists who incorporated the John-is-Jesus-message in their paintings made use of devices and alterations to traditional iconography that include:

- John and Jesus look nearly identical.
- John carries the Ecce Agnus Dei-banner ('Behold the Lamb of God') but points to himself instead of to Jesus, as if to say: I am the Lamb of God.
- John carries a wooden cross with the Ecce Agnus Dei-banner missing, which connects him to the crucifixion.
- Jesus points to John instead of the other way around, or they point at each other.
- John, Jesus and/or one of the others on the painting display with their hands the 2=1-code: someone on the painting raises two fingers and (someone else) one finger. In other words: the two persons are in reality one.
- The others on the painting look at John instead of (the infant) Jesus. Anachronism is customary in paintings of this era: for example, John is depicted as a grown man and Jesus as child.
- John is displayed in a fashion that gives him the appearance of Jesus.
- The dove of the Holy Spirit hovers over John instead of Jesus at the baptism, or is positioned between them.”

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