Dan John Quotes

Best 18 Quotes by Dan John

“Most champions are built by punch-the-clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts.”

Can You Go? Quotes

“If you’re training yourself, you’ll tend to know everything you decide to do. You’ll always push yourself exactly as hard as you feel like pushing yourself. You won’t have any gaps in your training because you have no idea what you’re lacking. Finally, you’ll be able to progress and regress easily in your system since your single follower—you—will know what you want, even if it isn’t something you need to do. I hope I painted a picture of mediocrity here.”

Can You Go?

“Keeping your waist circumference to less than half your height can help increase life expectancy for every person in the world.”

Can You Go?

Intervention Quotes

“Be wary of getting your goal and discovering it wasn’t worth it.”


“Constantly strive for mastery and grace.”


“Just tell me what to do. I don’t know where I’m going, but I know I don’t want to be here.”


Mass Made Simple Quotes

“Seriously, you don’t know what to do about food? Here is an idea: Eat like an adult. Stop eating fast food, stop eating kid’s cereal, knock it off with all the sweets and comfort foods whenever your favorite show is not on when you want it on, ease up on the snacking and—don’t act like you don’t know this—eat vegetables and fruits more. Really, how difficult is this? Stop with the whining. Stop with the excuses. Act like an adult and stop eating like a television commercial. Grow up.”

Mass Made Simple

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“We graze ourselves up to a nice level of morbid obesity.”

Mass Made Simple

Never Let Go Quotes

“Doing everything at once makes you marginal at everything... at best.”

Never Let Go

“I never stopped reading. I never stopped listening. I never stopped learning.”

Never Let Go

“If it is important, do it every day. If it’s not important, don’t do it at all.”

Never Let Go

“In other words, throwers throw, bikers bike and lifters lift... and if you want to play in another person’s game, you might get whipped merely because they have more time in the saddle.”

Never Let Go

“Make yourself a slave to good habits.”

Never Let Go

“Please understand nearly every concept I hold near and dear has been stolen from others much brighter and better than me.”

Never Let Go

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“To do everything at once, you have to be lousy at everything. To be great, you have to focus on very few things — most of us can barely handle more than one.”

Never Let Go

“When things go wrong, simplify.”

Never Let Go

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“Here’s some advice I would give to my younger self:

Change is the only constant.

The biggest risk is not taking any.

Focus on what you can control.

Fall in love with the process and the results will come.”

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To Grad from Dad Quotes

“The problem with values is that everybody has them, but nobody has the same order.”

To Grad from Dad

“We always seem to want what we can’t have and, if we can have it, we want something else!”

To Grad from Dad