Dan Lok Quotes Page 2


Best 96 Quotes by Dan Lok – Page 2 of 4

“Once you succeed, nobody cares about your failures.”

“Our problem is not that we don’t have enough opportunities to make money. Our problem is that we have too many opportunities to lose it.”

“People buy based on emotions, and they justify with logic.”

“People don’t buy products or services. They buy stories.”

“People don’t buy their way into something, they buy their way out of something.”

“Poor people don't count their money.”

“Quotes don't work until you do.”

“Rich people count their money regularly.”

“Rich people get paid before they do the work, poor people get paid afterwards.”

“Sometimes you break down before you break through.”

“Success is living life on your own terms.”

“Success is on the razor’s edge of failure.”

“Sugar coating is meant for cereal.”

“The amount of money you make is in direct proportion to how deeply you understand your marketplace’s pain.”

“The best skills can't be developed by watching a bunch of videos. They can only be developed by having a single mentor or someone to show you exactly what they did, and copy them.”

“The goal is not to get rich but to stay rich.”

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“The great thing about business is you can screw it up, make mistakes, and fail many, many times. But it only takes one win to make up for all of those losses.”

“The key is not to internalize criticism. Don’t take it personally.”

“The number one quality of a successful entrepreneur is the ability to endure pain for a long period of time.”

“The people you hang out with greatly impact your future. If you hang out with four millionaires, you'll be the fifth. But if you hang out with four losers, you'll also be the fifth.”

“The secret to having it all is knowing you already do.”

“Today I have the greatest job in the world. I work when I want, where I want, with whom I want, doing whatever I want to do.”

“Visibility is more important than ability. You need to be known. You need people to want to hire you. Without customers you have no revenue, and no revenue means no business.”

“What gets measured, gets improved.”

“What’s the price you are willing to pay for success?”

“When I look in my own life, I ask myself the question: what was it that made me successful? It wasn't because of my intelligence.”

“You can't get rich looking poor.”

“You don’t want to compete in a market or niche. You want to dominate it. Any company that’s a great company always dominates.”

“You must surround yourself with mentors, not gurus.”

“You want to strive for freedom and not comfort. You don’t want to do things that are comfortable. If every day you’re not doing something that scares you, you’re not growing.”

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