Dan Lok Quotes Page 3


Best 96 Quotes by Dan Lok – Page 3 of 4

“You'll never outperform your internal self-image.”

“Your comfort zone is your income zone.”

“Your network is your net worth. That's why I only hang out with winners.”

“Your will decides your future and so your courage in oneself also be different at least from what others do.”

F.U. Money Quotes

“A penny saved is still just a f*cking penny.”

F.U. Money

“I don’t know the sure-fire way to success. But I sure as hell know the sure-fire way to failure, and that is to try to please everybody.”

F.U. Money

“If you have no critics, you likely have no success. Anyone in the world who is making an impact will be criticized.”

F.U. Money

“It’s better to be hated than ignored.”

F.U. Money

“Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.”

F.U. Money

“Remember, people don’t buy from you because they understand what you sell—they buy from you because they feel understood.”

F.U. Money

“Those who can’t do, criticize.”

F.U. Money

“You must determine the price that you will have to pay to achieve success, and then get busy paying that price.”

F.U. Money

Influence! Quotes

“A limited offer has unlimited appeal.”


“In a study done by the Wall Street Journal the number seven (7) has been found to be the number that most people respond to.”


“The best marketers aren’t the best talkers… although many of them could charm the pants right off you. They’re the best listeners. They know how to hear what prospects are really saying and what they’re not saying.”


“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.”


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“Anytime someone gives you money, that person has said: Congratulations, you’ve won the value competition.”

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Twitter post Quotes

“Do the common things uncommonly well.”

Twitter post

“Don’t build your lifestyle around your business. Instead, build your business around your ideal lifestyle.”

Twitter post

“Don’t choose a business partner with money problems.”

Twitter post

“Figuring out what we are not going to do is as important as figuring out what we are going to do.”

Twitter post

“Having muscle doesn’t mean we are healthy. Having money doesn’t mean we are wealthy. Having time doesn’t mean we are free.”

Twitter post

“If you become very good at what you do, and you can articulate your unique value to the marketplace, there’s no limit to your income.”

Twitter post

“In sales, whoever controls the pauses controls the conversation.”

Twitter post

“Money goes from people whom value it least to people who value it most.”

Twitter post

“Most entrepreneurs are eager to improve their businesses but are unwilling to improve themselves.”

Twitter post

“The best rule I know when it comes to hiring family and friends:

Don’t hire who you can’t fire.”

Twitter post

“The more clarity you have, the less stress you have.”

Twitter post

“You can’t do a good deal with a bad partner.”

Twitter post

“Your greatest adversity today will be your greatest advantage tomorrow.”

Twitter post

Unlock It Quotes

“Dan Lok's non-negotiables

Business well-being: Sixty minutes a day spent on thinking, developing strategies, and keeping a pulse on my team.
Emotional well-being: Thirty minutes a day spent on a morning ritual that includes visualization, Attitude of Gratitude meditation, and deep breathing exercises.
Financial well-being: Thirty minutes a day looking at financials and investments and reviewing numbers.
Growth: Sixty minutes a day learning. This includes reading, consulting with experts, and meeting with other founders and CEOs.
Physical well-being: Sixty minutes a day of physical exercise, three times a week.”

Unlock It

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