Dan Peña Quotes Page 6


Best 227 Quotes by Dan Peña – Page 6 of 8

“The business world is divided into people with great ideas, and people who take action on those ideas.”

“The consequences of a misguided decision are insignificant in the cosmos of eternity.”

“The difference between a failure and a high-performance individual is how each deals with fear. We are all afraid. A high-performance person uses his fear to galvanize his actions.”

“The difference between me and a lot of you here is that I have no fears. Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”

“The fulfillment of your dream is directly proportional to your desire to succeed and how much you're willing to sacrifice. If you are not prepared to die, then you are not prepared to live.”

“The hedgehog vs the fox. The fox is smart and cunning but gets caught up in lots of details, becoming misdirected and chasing his own tail. Hedgehogs do only one thing and do it well and nothing else: eat.”

“The internet has allowed even more growth possible than in the bricks and mortar industries that I dealt with years ago. It is easier to get a business to a million dollars/pounds in revenue on the net! It is not easy! But it is easier when compared to construction, etc...”

“The internet is a giant lab experiment for corporate America, and those companies that recognise this and play well within the rules of ambiguity and fluidity will survive and win.”

“The job of CEOs is not to be the smartest guy in the room but to attract other smart guys to work for him. The group brain is far more powerful than individual brainpower.”

“The more emotional distractions you have the harder it is to accomplish your goals - especially at the extreme levels!”

“The more self-esteem you give others, the more you have. And the more you have, the easier it is to give away.”

“The more you investigate, the less you have to invest.”

“The old Kenny Rogers song, "The Gambler" has a message for CEOs. "You've got to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em." As a CEO you'll get more advice from your staff than you know what to do with. But it's up to you to know when to "hold 'em" and when to "fold 'em". Listen to your staff. Listen to your gut. Make your decision and move on.”

“The older you get the less you are surprised.”

“The only difference between a Champ and a Chump is ‘U’.”

“The only goal my dad had for me was to keep me alive to reach the age of reason! He had no aspirations for me vis-a-vis education, wealth, or anything else!”

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“The only things in life you regret are the risks and adventures you didn’t take.”

“The reason a lot of people don't get more done is they do too many things and they do them all poorly. Focus!”

“The road to success is always under construction. There are lots of potholes but no traffic jams!”

“The truth is, I almost always did accomplish what I said I would – in the face of overwhelming obstacles!”

“The truth is, successful people are not ten times smarter than you. They don’t really work ten times harder than you. So why are they successful? Because their dreams are so much bigger than yours!”

“The world is full of people who want their ears tickled on strategies for wealth creation and protection and so-called revealed secrets to wealth creation. And there are plenty of slick business coaches who are more than willing to do just that - for a fee. This is the world of the seminar guru.”

“There is never an easy time to make a hard decision.”

“There's no secret sauce to being a billionaire!”

“There’s no seminar in the world that will give you multi-million-dollar advice on building a business from scratch!”

“This is why you’re poor. Are you willing to work 100 hour weeks? Are you willing to not go on vacation for 3 years? Would you work on your anniversary? Would you celebrate Christmas in January because of business? I have.”

“To achieve "hyper-growth", avert avoidable mistakes, and let your successes run their course. Do more of what you're doing right - and less of what you're doing wrong.”

“To be wealthy, one has to add value to others’ life or lives. How can I successfully add value to someone else’s life without trying to impress them or going overboard? Without losing my own dignity and self-respect?”

“Too many companies try to patch when they should amputate. 'Let's reorganize and save this mess' is a clarion call to disaster. Cut your losses, kick the cuttings out of your way, and move on.”

“Too many people waste time on personal development instead of execution. They confuse reading for action.”

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