Daniel Amen Quotes Page 2


Best 59 Quotes by Daniel Amen – Page 2 of 2

Healing ADD Quotes

“Many people with ADD have issues with judgment and impulse control, and struggle not to say or do things without fully thinking them through. They also have a harder time learning from their mistakes.”

Healing ADD

“Many people with ADD have low activity in the front part of their brains, due to lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. As a way to feel more alert they often find themselves seeking conflict or excitement. They can be masterful at making other people mad or angry at them. Do not lose your temper with them, because it often makes things worse. If they get you to explode, their unconscious, low-energy frontal cortex turns on and unconsciously they come to crave it. Never let your anger be their medication. They can get addicted to it.”

Healing ADD

“Many people with ADD suffer from moodiness, excessive worrying, and negativity. This attitude comes from their past. They have many experiences with failure, so they come to expect it.”

Healing ADD

“Most ADD children and adults simply do better on a high-protein, low–simple-carbohydrate diet.”

Healing ADD

“Most people with ADD tend to struggle with organization of time and space. They tend to be late and have trouble completing tasks on time. Many things get done at the last moment or even later. They also tend to struggle keeping their spaces tidy, especially their rooms, book bags, filing cabinets, drawers, closets, and paperwork.”

Healing ADD

“People with ADD have a difficult time with boring tasks and need stimulation or excitement in order to stay engaged. Many people with ADD can pay attention just fine for things that are new, novel, interesting, highly stimulating, or frightening.”

Healing ADD

“People with ADD tend to notice more in their environment than others, which makes them easily distracted by outside stimuli, such as light, sounds, smells, certain tastes, or even the clothes they wear. Their keen sensitivity causes them to get easily off task.”

Healing ADD

“Repeatedly engaging in 'no brain' activities, such as TV, decreases a person’s ability to focus. In addition, the pacing of TV has changed over the past thirty years. Thirty years ago a thirty-second commercial had ten three-second scenes. The same commercial in 2000 has thirty one-second scenes. We are being programmed to need more stimulation in order to pay attention.”

Healing ADD

“There are five hallmark symptoms of ADD:
- Short attention span, for regular, routine, everyday tasks
- Distractibility
- Disorganization
- Procrastination
- Poor internal supervision”

Healing ADD

“Video games bring pleasure and focus by increasing dopamine release. The problem with them is that the more dopamine is released, the less neurotransmitter is available later on to do schoolwork, homework, chores, and so on.”

Healing ADD

“Your brain is 80 percent water. Anything that dehydrates it, such as too much caffeine or alcohol, decreases your thinking and impairs your judgment. Make sure you get plenty of water every day.”

Healing ADD

Healing the Hardware of the Soul Quotes

“Don't believe everything you hear – even in your own mind.”

Healing the Hardware of the Soul

“The people close to you influence your outlook, your values, how you spend your time, and how you treat other people. In other words, who you hang out with matters. If you are consistently in the company of someone who gossips, for example, it’s likely you’ll gossip. If you live with someone who is depressed, in my experience you are likely to become depressed. Spending time with positive, uplifting people will make you feel positive and hopeful. If you want to improve your attitude and conduct, spend time with someone whose conduct and values you admire. Emulate his or her behavior, and you will likely find it rubs off! You’ll notice yourself avoiding actions and statements that might cause disapproval in the person you admire. By the same token, you find yourself naturally guided toward better, more life-affirming, behavior.”

Healing the Hardware of the Soul

Magnificent Mind at Any Age Quotes

“Passionate living is the soul of success.”

Magnificent Mind at Any Age

Making a Good Brain Great Quotes

“The best sources of stimulation for the brain are physical exercise, mental exercise, and social bonding.”

Making a Good Brain Great

Preventing Alzheimer's Quotes

“Caffeine dehydrates the brain and body.”

Preventing Alzheimer's

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“The dropout rates in time-restricted feeding trials certainly appear lower than in more prolonged forms of intermittent fasting, suggesting they’re more easily tolerable, but do they work?

When people stopped eating between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. for two weeks, they lost about a pound each week compared to no time restriction. Note that no additional instructions or recommendations were given on the amount or type of food consumed.

There were no gadgets, calorie counting, or record keeping. They were just told to limit their food intakes to the hours of 6:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m.”

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The Brain Warrior's Way Quotes

“Physical exercise is the fountain of youth; it’s critical to keeping your brain vibrant and young. If you want to attack Alzheimer’s disease, depression, obesity, and aging all at once, move every day. In fact exercise is one of the most powerful anti-aging tools, and it directly fights depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes and cancer.”

The Brain Warrior's Way

The Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook Quotes

“A cup of warm lemon water infused with ginger is a stimulating, detoxifying way to wake up.”

The Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain Quotes

“Before you let your doctor give you testosterone shots or pills, try to boost it naturally by dramatically decreasing or even eliminating sugar, wheat, and processed foods from your diet. A sugar burst has been found to lower testosterone levels by up to 25 percent. If you and your sweetheart share the cheesecake at the restaurant, no one is likely to get 'dessert' when you get home! Another way to naturally boost your testosterone level is to start a weight-training program. Building muscle helps your body increase its testosterone levels.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“If you are not taking good care of your brain, you are at a significantly higher risk of brain fog, memory problems, low energy, distractibility, poor decisions, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“One of the fastest ways to hurt your brain is to get fewer than seven or eight hours of sleep at night. People who typically get six hours or fewer of sleep have lower overall blood flow to the brain, which hurts its function.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“Researchers from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and the University of Pennsylvania found that chronically getting fewer than eight hours of sleep was associated with cognitive decline.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“Studies show that journaling is a powerful tool to help get worries under control and out of your head.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“When a woman understands the uniqueness of the female brain—how to care for it, how to make the most of its strengths, how to overcome its challenges, how to fall in love with it, and ultimately, how to unleash its full power—there is no stopping her. In her personal development, at work, and in her relationships, she can bring the best of herself to her family, her community, and her planet. By contrast, a woman who is not caring optimally for her brain, who is not giving it the full range of nutrients, exercise, sleep, and emotional support that it needs, is squandering her most valuable resource.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“Whenever you get a worry (a negative thought that won’t go away), write it down. The act of writing helps to crystallize it and get it out of your head. The worry is now on the paper, a tablet, computer, or phone. Once the worry is written, evaluate it for its accuracy. Is it true or realistic? If not, smile and let it stay on the paper to get it out of your head. If the worry has merit, write down three or four things you can do about the worry, and equally important, write down what you cannot do about the worry.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

“Women are natural leaders. They are wired to lead.”

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

Your Brain Is Always Listening Quotes

“All of us have dragons from the past influencing our present feelings and actions. Unless you recognize and tame them, and consciously calm and protect your amygdala from overfiring, these dragons will haunt your unconscious mind and drive emotional pain for the rest of your life.”

Your Brain Is Always Listening

“Before I got serious about being healthy, I gave in to my urge for bread, especially freshly made bread dripping in butter. Yet when I fell in love with my brain, I realized I love being healthy, having energy and cognitive clarity, and being able to get into the same size jeans I wore in high school much more than the momentary pleasure of unhealthy food. The new benefits were so much better than the old ones. I now see free bread as a 'weapon of mass destruction', and I feel badly when I give in to a behavior that does not serve my health.”

Your Brain Is Always Listening

“Self-esteem is the difference between where you believe you are and where you think you should be compared to others. If they match, you tend to feel good about yourself. If they don’t match, you feel inferior.”

Your Brain Is Always Listening

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“Refined carbohydrates are easy to become addicted to and overeat precisely because there are no natural satiety hormones for refined carbs.

The reason, of course, is that refined carbohydrates are not natural foods but are highly processed. Their toxicity lies in that processing.”

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