Daniel Amen Quotes

Best 18 Healing ADD Quotes by Daniel Amen

Healing ADD Quotes

“A lack of protein causes a tremendous problem with focus throughout the day. If a person is vulnerable to ADD, a high-carbohydrate, low-protein diet typically makes their symptoms worse.”

Healing ADD

“Drink plenty of water and don’t drink your calories.”

Healing ADD

“Food is a powerful drug. You can use it to help mood and cognitive ability or you can unknowingly make things worse.”

Healing ADD

“For most people with ADD, the right diet is a higher-protein, higher-healthy-fat, lower-simple-carbohydrate diet.”

Healing ADD

“In the last thirty years our diet has changed dramatically. These days, children eat a diet high in simple carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, white-flour food products), poor in protein and healthy fat, and positively deficient in vegetables. Think about the great American breakfast. Morning time is often rushed especially when both parents work outside the home, and there is less time to fix a nutritious breakfast. Kids eat Pop-Tarts, sugar cereals, donuts, frozen waffles, pancakes, or muffins. Gone are the days of sausage and eggs (protein), and sugar is in.”

Healing ADD

“It amazes us how often people forget they have had head injuries!”

Healing ADD

“Like a muscle, the more you use your brain, the stronger it becomes and the more it can do. The opposite is also true: The less you work it, the weaker it becomes.”

Healing ADD

“Many people with ADD have issues with judgment and impulse control, and struggle not to say or do things without fully thinking them through. They also have a harder time learning from their mistakes.”

Healing ADD

“Many people with ADD have low activity in the front part of their brains, due to lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. As a way to feel more alert they often find themselves seeking conflict or excitement. They can be masterful at making other people mad or angry at them. Do not lose your temper with them, because it often makes things worse. If they get you to explode, their unconscious, low-energy frontal cortex turns on and unconsciously they come to crave it. Never let your anger be their medication. They can get addicted to it.”

Healing ADD

“Many people with ADD suffer from moodiness, excessive worrying, and negativity. This attitude comes from their past. They have many experiences with failure, so they come to expect it.”

Healing ADD

“Most ADD children and adults simply do better on a high-protein, low–simple-carbohydrate diet.”

Healing ADD

“Most people with ADD tend to struggle with organization of time and space. They tend to be late and have trouble completing tasks on time. Many things get done at the last moment or even later. They also tend to struggle keeping their spaces tidy, especially their rooms, book bags, filing cabinets, drawers, closets, and paperwork.”

Healing ADD

“People with ADD have a difficult time with boring tasks and need stimulation or excitement in order to stay engaged. Many people with ADD can pay attention just fine for things that are new, novel, interesting, highly stimulating, or frightening.”

Healing ADD

“People with ADD tend to notice more in their environment than others, which makes them easily distracted by outside stimuli, such as light, sounds, smells, certain tastes, or even the clothes they wear. Their keen sensitivity causes them to get easily off task.”

Healing ADD

“Repeatedly engaging in 'no brain' activities, such as TV, decreases a person’s ability to focus. In addition, the pacing of TV has changed over the past thirty years. Thirty years ago a thirty-second commercial had ten three-second scenes. The same commercial in 2000 has thirty one-second scenes. We are being programmed to need more stimulation in order to pay attention.”

Healing ADD

“There are five hallmark symptoms of ADD:
- Short attention span, for regular, routine, everyday tasks
- Distractibility
- Disorganization
- Procrastination
- Poor internal supervision”

Healing ADD

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“What you need to cut from your diet:

1) Vegetable oil
2) Added sugar and honey (to tea, coffee, etc.)
3) Soda
4) Juice, except fresh squeezed. (Why not just eat the fruit? It’s got more fiber and more antioxidants!)
5) Energy bars and 'health' bars
6) Boxed cereals
7) Fried fast foods
8) Powdered 'proteins', and powdered milk
9) Salad dressings made with any kind of vegetable oil, including canola
10) Low-fat products, including milk, cheese, salad dressings, cookies, and other baked goods
11) Snacks and desserts — if you want to lose weight”

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“Video games bring pleasure and focus by increasing dopamine release. The problem with them is that the more dopamine is released, the less neurotransmitter is available later on to do schoolwork, homework, chores, and so on.”

Healing ADD

“Your brain is 80 percent water. Anything that dehydrates it, such as too much caffeine or alcohol, decreases your thinking and impairs your judgment. Make sure you get plenty of water every day.”

Healing ADD