Dave Grohl Quotes
Best 38 Quotes by Dave Grohl – Page 1 of 2
“Heavy Metal would not exist without Led Zeppelin, and if it did, it would suck.”
“I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you f*cking like something, like it.”
“I had no idea what I was doing and I faked it and it worked.”
“My head and my heart seem to play this cruel trick on me, deceiving me with the false illusion of youth by greeting the world every day through the idealistic, mischievous eyes of a rebellious child finding happiness and appreciation in the most basic, simple things.”
“No one is you and that is your biggest power.”
“Once you find that inspiration, you shouldn't be afraid to follow it. Because anything is possible.”
“Sometimes, you can't save someone from themselves.”
“That’s one of the great things about music. You can sing a song to 85,000 people and they’ll sing it back for 85,000 different reasons.”
“There's a big difference between falling in love with someone and falling in love with someone and getting married. Usually, after you get married, you fall in love with the person even more.”
“What's the last thing a drummer says in a band? "Hey guys, why don't we try one of my songs?”
“You will only be great at the things you love to do. Don't pursue a career in something you hate to do.”
The Storyteller Quotes
“After all, you are only as happy as your unhappiest child.”
“All you have to do is let the universe handle it, and I appreciate it.”
“And Kurt. If only he could have seen the joy that his music brought to the world, maybe he could have found his own. My life was forever changed by Kurt, something I never had the chance to say while he was still with us, and not thanking him for that is a regret I will have to live with until we are somehow reunited. Not a day goes by when I don't think of our time together, and when we meet in my dreams there's always a feeling of happiness and calm, almost as if he's just been hiding, waiting to return.”
“Courage is a defining factor in the life of any artist. The courage to bare your innermost feelings, to reveal your true voice, or to stand in front of an audience and lay it out there for the world to see. The emotional vulnerability that is often necessary to summon a great song can also work against you when sharing your song for the world to hear. This is the paralyzing conflict of any sensitive artist. A feeling I’ve experienced with every lyric I’ve sung to someone other than myself. Will they like it? Am I good enough? It is the courage to be yourself that bridges those opposing emotions, and when it does, magic can happen.”
“Every day is still a blank page, waiting to write itself.”
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“The price of meat has just gone up and your old lady has just gone down.”
“I could always tell when a chorus was coming by watching Kurt’s dirty Converse sneaker as it moved closer and closer to the distortion pedal, and just before he stomped on the button, I would blast into a single-stroke snare roll with all of my might, like a fuse burning fast into the heart of a bomb, signaling the change. The subsequent eruption would often send chills up my neck, as the undeniable power of our collective sound was becoming almost too big for that tiny little space.”
“I have always measured my life in musical increments rather than months or years. My mind faithfully relies on songs, albums, and bands to remember a particular time and place.”
“I have never been one to collect 'stuff', I do collect moments.”
“I knew deep down that nothing would ever compare to what Nirvana had gifted to the world. That dort of thing only happens once in a lifetime.”
“I stopped trying to understand fate and destiny a long time ago, but dumb luck seems to be my specialty.”
“I was a bit of a misfit, longing to feel understood, waiting for someone to accept the real me.”
“I was born to let my freak flag fly and celebrate all of life's beautiful eccentricities.”
“In a world full of Barbies, every girl needs a Joan Jett.”
“It seems that everywhere I turn there is a reminder to be found, and I have come to a place where they no longer break my heart; they make me smile.”
“It’s not always the kid that fails the school. Sometimes it’s the school that fails the kid.”
“Joan Jett was not only an actual human being but a most important one. A feminist icon who proved to the world that women can rock even harder than men. An innovator, an architect, a punk rock pioneer so powerful, she inspired generations of young women to pick up guitars and do the same.”
“Life is just too damn short to let someone else’s opinion steer the wheel,”
“Punk rock became my professor in a school with no rules, only teaching the lesson that you need no lessons and that every person has a voice to be heard, no matter the sound.”
“So, when you hear that parade coming down the street, spreading joy and love with every note, don’t just listen; join in the march. You never know where it may lead you.”
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“I've probably been spit on more that any person alive outside of, I would say, a member of the prison system.”
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