David Dobrik Quotes


Best 48 Quotes by David Dobrik – Page 1 of 2

“All the mistakes we make are documented.”

“Cavities: they’re like haters, but in your mouth.”

“I always knew I wanted to work hard at something.”

“I always loved the saying 'Fortune favors the brave'.”

“I can't explain how lucky I am.”

“I don't have a kitchen table 'cause I feel like I eat really quickly, so I just get it done while I'm standing or doing something else.”

“I don't have a visa. The only thing I can do where I can leave the country and come back is if I get married.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I feel like a lot of people don't have the most positive things to say about YouTubers.”

“I feel like my 'paycheck' being cut on YouTube was almost like a wake-up call to be like, 'Hey, don't be conformable, expand the business'.”

“I feel that I owe a lot to SpongeBob and all Bikini Bottom for helping me figure out what I thought was funny and entertaining.”

“I filmed my first vlog and I think it worked because I wasn't trying to make it work. I was just doing it for my own enjoyment.”

“I have a group of like, 15, 20, 30 friends, and they help me day in and day out with all the videos.”

“I have something to work hard at. I just need to not stop and keep going. And that’s what I really like.”

“I just made a fun video with my friends. That’s the key.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I love people's, like, reactions to things – whether it's, like, a good reaction or a bad reaction.”

“I rarely ever do anything crazy, I really like to be careful to stay in a safe spot, I don't want to do anything, like, insane. I have a lot of people around me to make sure I don't do anything crazy.”

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“I really like LED signs because I feel like they're a really easy way to decorate a house and make it feel like it's a lot cooler than it actually is.”

“I started on Vine when I first started. My parents were pretty confused about it. They definitely weren't like, 'Don't do it,' but they also were definitely parents like, 'you have to go to college.' So they didn't really understand what the whole concept was and what it could possibly turn into.”

“I still have the best job in the world, so I can’t complain.”

“I think celebrity is such a weird word. I see myself as, like, a personality. I hate saying the word 'YouTuber' because it draws so much negative attention but I think personality is the best way to put it.”

“I think people watch because of how genuine our friendship is and how authentic everything we do and say is in our videos.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I think the Internet just makes it a lot easier to consume content and I think people are giving more respect to the people that are on it, which I think is really important.”

“I think the most important part of anyone creating videos or creating anything is just being genuine and having it be true to what you want to do and who you are.”

“I want to be a kid when I grow up!”

“I want to be a late night host and the podcast is a way for me to do longer form interviews and to get better at interviewing.”

“I want to see the world.”

“I was just doing it for my own enjoyment.”

“I was making like $1,500 or $2,000 a month and I was thinking, ‘I’m loaded! I can’t believe this'.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“I would definitely date a fan that was a fan of the stuff I make, 100 percent.”

“I'm not allowed to leave the country because I am under what you call DACA.”

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