David Duchovny Quotes

Best 26 Other Quotes by David Duchovny

“Every day I try to do breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. These things sound awfully cliche, but they help me slow down and try to point to a truth.”

“For hundreds of years, that was the major form of entertainment: The grown-ups sat around and watched the kids play. Now they sit around and watch the television. The actors are the kids.”

“I can’t say that I enjoy writing; it’s difficult. I would say I enjoy having written.”

“I don't know how anybody gets better at anything aside from doing it.”

“I don't like the idea of being eaten by a shark. I like to swim in the ocean, and I think much more about sharks than anyone should. I really resent the fact that my oceangoing experiences are ruined by 'Jaws'.”

“I don't like watching people work if they're making art.”

“I don’t read any reviews of anything I do. I haven’t for 10 years, and it has made life a lot better. So much criticism today is snarky and ad hominem.”

“I hear insects are going to be the next source of protein, and I look forward to that. I’m O.K. with killing insects.”

“I like fooling around with words.”

“I lost my virginity when I was 14. And I haven't been able to find it.”

“I love animals and I love working with them because they don't lie.”

“I’m a very lazy vegetarian, which means I will look for the vegetarian meal, but I will also give up.”

“I’m of the school that says: judge the work, not who did it.”

“If I were a cow, why wouldn’t I try to get to India?”

“If I were a pig, I’d try and get to a place where kosher laws were enforced and I wouldn’t be eaten.”

“If my work was good enough, I would never have to do publicity.”

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“If you're smart, you'll always be humble. You can learn all you want, but there'll always be somebody who's never read a book who'll know twice what you know.”

“Maybe the best things about celebrity are the things like being able to get that seat on the plane that you wouldn't normally get, but that's kind of like cheating.”

“One of the nice things about acting is that it allows you to open up to the other people within you.”

“One of the scary things is that, when you're a kid, you look at your dad as the man who has no fear. When you're an adult, you realize your father had fear, and that you have it, too.”

“People always love and respect characters who speak the truth, even if the truth hurts.”

“Privacy is something I have come to respect. I think when I was younger I wanted to tell everybody everything, because I thought I was so damn interesting. Then I heard the snoring.”

“Reading reviews is like finding your beloved’s journal: the only reason you’re going to open it is because you want to hurt yourself.”

“The worst thing a man can admit is 'I'm not 100 percent fulfilled by my family.' But it doesn't mean he doesn't love his family. I love my family, but I still want to work; I still want challenges. It took me a while to fall in love with the responsibility of family life, and it was a deep thing when I did.”

“Well, I still write poetry, but I wouldn't call myself a poet.”

“Women's fashion is a subtle form of bondage. It's men's way of binding them. We put them in these tight, high-heeled shoes, we make them wear these tight clothes and we say they look sexy. But they're actually tied up.”

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“The nine-to-five is one of the greatest atrocities sprung upon mankind. You give your life away to a function that doesn’t interest you. This situation so repelled me that I was driven to drink, starvation, and mad females, simply as an alternative.”

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