David D. Friedman Quotes
Best Quotes by David D. Friedman
The Machinery of Freedom Quotes
“If we want to be honest, we can ship the Statue of Liberty back to France or replace the outdated verse with new lines, "America the closed preserve/ That dirty foreigners don't deserve.”
“Perhaps the best way to see why anarcho-capitalism would be much more peaceful than our present system is by analogy. Consider our world as it would be if the cost of moving from one country to another were zero. Everyone lives in a housetrailer and speaks the same language. One day, the president of France announces that because of troubles with neighboring countries, new military taxes are being levied and conscription will begin shortly. The next morning the president of France finds himself ruling a peaceful but empty landscape, the population having been reduced to himself, three generals, and twenty-seven war correspondents.”
“The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and great nations.”
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“Have an open mind - allow different ideas into your way of thinking.”